tursodatabase / libsql-experimental-python

libSQL API for Python (experimental)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

bug: unable to make new insertions from the sync connection

avinassh opened this issue · comments

If I create a new connection which I also use for embedded replica, with such connection I am not able to make new inserts

sample script:

import os

import libsql_experimental as libsql

print(F"syncing with {os.getenv('LIBSQL_URL')}")
conn = libsql.connect("hello_sync.db", sync_url=os.getenv("LIBSQL_URL"),
conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users_sync (id INTEGER);")
conn.execute("INSERT INTO users_sync(id) VALUES (1);")

print(conn.execute("select * from users_sync").fetchall())

this outputs:


But when I inspect the same DB in turso shell, I don't see any row inserted. But I do see a new table created:

→  .tables

→  select * from users_sync;

library version: v0.0.19, also tried with #12
libsql-server: running in fly with extensions enabled, v0.22.4-1700159808

(internal slack thread)

Hey @avinassh, I don't think this is actually a libSQL bug. You get the same behavior with SQLite too because it defaults to autocommit disabled:

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect("hello.db")
conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users_sync (id INTEGER);")
conn.execute("INSERT INTO users_sync(id) VALUES (1);")
% python3 sqlite.py
% sqlite3 hello.db "SELECT * FROM users_sync"

You need to either pass isolation_level=None as an argument to connect() or do a conn.commit() after the insertion.

Doing conn.commit() worked. Thank you!