turquoiseowl / i18n

Smart internationalization for ASP.NET

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"Localization of outgoing URIs" feature issue in version 2.1.13

pheurteladding opened this issue · comments

We are using your great plugin in our project, and we try to keep it up-to date. But in the latest release (2.1.13 (20180707)) it seems there is a problem in the localization of outgoing URIs feature.
For example, I have a vendor .js file containing: this._baseHref=""; and this emtpy javascript char is now filled with some localized URI. The problem did not appear with version 2.1.11. It also does not appear if the empty string is coded with simple quotes instead of double quotes, but as the script comes from another external package, we cannot change its content.

Thanks for reporting.

I've just published 2.1.14 which should fix it for you.

Let me know if not. Cheers

Thank you a lot for this very fast release!
It works great again.