turnerlabs / fargate

Deploy serverless containers to the cloud from your command line

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Support for scheduled tasks - deploy

jritsema opened this issue · comments

This is a proposal to enhance support for scheduled tasks by adding the ability to update cloudwatch event rules, targeting new task definition revisions.

fargate events target --rule <rule> --revision <revision>

or --rule can be omitted if the rule name is added to fargate.yml...

cluster: my-app-dev
service: my-app-dev
task: my-app-dev
rule: my-app-dev
fargate events target --revision <revision>

So a CI/CD system could build new apps (#20) (docker images and environment variables)...

REVISION=$(fargate task register -i <image> -e FOO=bar)

...then "deploy" them (cause the next event rule invocation to run the new version)

fargate events target --revision ${REVISION}