tunabrain / tungsten

High performance physically based renderer in C++11

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to get EXR image.

jaisonoh opened this issue · comments

I am newly using tungsten renderer.
When I tested some scenes, I just got png images and option for hdr output file doesn't work.
How can I get HDR images after rendering?


compile with OpenEXR support, it's auto-detected if it's installed along with its development headers on your system.


To add to what CounterPillow said, if OpenEXR is not available, you can always tell Tungsten to write PFM files. These are uncompressed (and therefore larger), but they allow you to get HDR images out of Tungsten without external libraries.

There are two ways to tell Tungsten to write high dynamic range images: Either have "output_file": "TungstenRender.exr" in the renderer block of the scene file, or use -e TungstenRender.exr on the commandline.