tumaer / JAXFLUIDS

Differentiable Fluid Dynamics Package

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import error

ChengXiaoSi opened this issue · comments

Dear developers
I get an error when I use from jaxfluids.simulation_manager import SimulationManager。The reson of this error is that from jax.config import config is used in /JAXFLUIDS/src/jaxfluids/simulation_manager.py.In fact, jax suggest using this way.
import jax jax.config.update(your_config_options_here)
Thank you!

Downgrading jax==0.4.24 from 0.4.25 works for me. No need to change the import header in simulation_manager.py

Downgrading jax==0.4.24 from 0.4.25 works for me. No need to change the import header in simulation_manager.py

Thanks for your advice