tum-ens / urbs

A linear optimisation model for distributed energy systems

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

HiGHS for urbs?

jajhall opened this issue · comments

I see that urbs requires "Any solver supported by pyomo; suggestion: GLPK"

I see that urbs is not a recent development and perhaps its author(s) and users are unaware that our very much more powerful LP solvers in HiGHS - available for a few years and callable from Pyomo - would be of value when solving larger models. For justification of this assertion, I refer you to the industry standard independent benchmark tests carried out by Hans Mittelmann: https://plato.asu.edu/bench.html

The interior point solver is very likely to give better performance. This is selected by setting the option solver="ipm", since simplex is currently used by default