tulip-lang / tulip

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Snek link on README and INTRO pages does not work

renatoathaydes opened this issue · comments


I wanted to learn more about Tulip, so I tried to join the "Snek" (chat?) link provided both in the README page and in the intro page. But the link, which goes to the same URL in both cases, http://snek.translunar.space/ , does not seem to work.

Is this an internal URL you use in some network, or maybe this is just temporarily down?

The only thing I found similar to this by Googling is this: https://sneek.io/

PS. ... and a few memes referring THIS IS SNEK?!? The internet is crazy these days.


https://web.archive.org/web/20180302143916/http://snek.translunar.space/ has some bits about Tulip but I've no idea what a "snek slack" might be.

snek.jneen.net is the new url, but it's down because i'm bad at operations. if you email me at jneen@jneen.net i'll get you an invite. sorry about that!