tuist / tuist-orb

πŸš€ Easily install and run Tuist in your CircleCI jobs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CircleCI Build Status CircleCI Orb Version GitHub License CircleCI Community

This repository contains a CircleCI Orb to ease the installation and execution of Tuist from CircleCI jobs


CircleCI Orb Registry Page - The official registry page of this orb for all versions, executors, commands, and jobs described. CircleCI Orb Docs - Docs for using and creating CircleCI Orbs.

How to Contribute

We welcome issues to and pull requests against this repository!


πŸš€ Easily install and run Tuist in your CircleCI jobs

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%