tugbakorkut16 / nodejs-project

nodejs-project for gitlab CICD pipeline

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Uygulamaya ait dosya ve klasörler çok yer kapladığı için repoya alınmadı, zaten README.md içerisindeki adımları takip ederseniz project dosya klasörlerini siz de elde edebilirsiniz. Bu repoya uygulama dosyalarından sadece docusaurus.config.ts dosyası alındı, çünkü içerisinde 2 adet değişiklik yapılması gerekiyor, örnek olması açısından repoya alındı

Part-1 :

  • Go to gitlab

  • Create gitlab project/repository Click + --> Select New project/repository -->> Click Create blank project Project name : nodejs-project Project URL : https://gitlab.com/arrowlevent/nodejs-project Visibility level : Public Project Configurations : Put check mark on the Initialize repository with a README Click Create project

Part-2 : Launch an ec2-instance on AWS and install nodejs

  • Go to AWS Management Console, we need a nodejs-server and we need to install agent into that server. (İSTERSENİZ LOKALDE DE nodejs KURULUMU YAPABİLİRSİNİZ, Ben burada AWS Amazon Linux 2023 tercih ettim.)

  • Launch an AWS EC2 instance of Amazon Linux 2023 AMI t3a.medium with security group allowing SSH:22, HTTP:80 and TCP 8080 ports.

  • Make a remote-ssh VSC connection to your instance

ssh -i .ssh/call-training.pem ec2-user@ec2-3-133-106-98.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com
  • You should write these commands into .bashrc file, first go to bottom line and hit enter 2 times then write
export PS1="\[\e[1;34m\]\u\[\e[33m\]@\h# \W:\[\e[34m\]\\$\[\e[m\] "  # yellow-blue-yellow
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname "nodejs-server"

# Update the installed packages and package cache on your instance.
sudo dnf update -y

# install git
sudo dnf install git -y
git -v      # git version 2.40.1

# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-javascript/v2/developer-guide/setting-up-node-on-ec2-instance.html
# Install node version manager (nvm) by typing the following at the command line.
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.5/install.sh | bash # .nwm klasörü geldi

# Activate nvm by typing the following at the command line.
. ~/.nvm/nvm.sh

# Use nvm to install the latest LTS version of Node.js by typing the following at the command line.
nvm install --lts

# Test that Node.js is installed and running correctly by typing the following at the command line.
# This displays the following message that shows the version of Node.js that is running. Running Node.js VERSION

node -e "console.log('Running Node.js ' + process.version)"   # Running Node.js v20.10.0
git clone https://*****TOKEN*****@gitlab.com/arrowlevent/nodejs-project.git

cd nodejs-project/

npm init docusaurus # çıkan sorulara yes ve/veya enter

# The initialization wizard sets up the site in website/, but the site should be in the root of the project. Move the files up to the root and delete the old directory:
mv website/* .
rm -r website

Part-3 : Update the Docusaurus configuration file with the details of your GitLab project. In docusaurus.config.ts:

  • Set url: to a path with this format: https://.gitlab.io/

  • 11. satır url: 'https://your-docusaurus-site.example.com' --> url: 'https://arrowlevent.gitlab.io/'

  • Set baseUrl: to your project name, like /my-pipeline-tutorial-project/

  • 14. satır baseUrl: '/' --> baseUrl: '/nodejs-project/'

  • Push Application to GitLab

git add .
git config --global user.email "alparslanu6347@gmail.com"
git config --global user.name "arrowlevent"
git commit -m "Add simple generated Docusaurus site"
git push origin     # şifre soracak -> TOKEN cpoy-paste enter

Part-4 : Prepare .gitlab-ci.yml in the root of the project with this configuration

  • Go to gitlab
    • Click and get into your project/repository nodejs-project --> Click + Select ``New filefrom the listfilename` : `.gitlab-ci.yml` copy-paste into this file

image: Tell the runner which Docker container to use to run the job in. The runner: Downloads the container image and starts it. Clones your GitLab project into the running container. Runs the script commands, one at a time.

artifacts: Jobs are self-contained and do not share resources with each other. If you want files generated in one job to be used in another job, you must save them as artifacts first. Then later jobs can retrieve the artifacts and use the generated files.

  • build-job:
    • Use image to configure the job to run with the latest node image. Docusaurus is a Node.js project and the node image has the needed npm commands built in.
    • Run npm install to install Docusaurus into the running node container, then run npm run build to build the site.
    • Docusaurus saves the built site in build/, so save these files with artifacts
  image: node
    - npm install
    - npm run build
      - "build/"
  • Click Commit changes

  • Pipeline aşamalarını/joblarını buradan gözlemleyebilirsinBuild -- Pipelines

  • Use the pipeline editor to commit this pipeline configuration to the default branch, and check the job log. You can: See the npm commands run and build the site. Verify that the artifacts are saved at the end. Browse the contents of the artifacts file by selecting Browse to the right of the job log after the job completes.

Part-5 : Add a job to deploy the site

  • GitLab Pages: To host your static site, you will use GitLab Pages. [https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/index.html]

  • In this step: Add a job that fetches the built site and deploys it. When using GitLab Pages, the job is always named pages. The artifacts from the build-job are fetched automatically and extracted into the job. Pages looks for the site in the public/ directory though, so add a script command to move the site to that directory. Add a stages section, and define the stages for each job. build-job runs first in the build stage, and pages runs after in the deploy stage.

  • Modify .gitlab-ci.yml

stages:          # List of stages for jobs and their order of execution
  - build
  - deploy

  stage: build   # Set this job to run in the `build` stage
  image: node
    - npm install
    - npm run build
      - "build/"

  stage: deploy  # Set this new job to run in the `deploy` stage
    - mv build/ public/
      - "public/"
  • Click Commit changes

  • Pipeline aşamalarını/joblarını buradan gözlemleyebilirsinBuild -- Pipelines

  • After the pages job completes a pages-deploy job appears, which is the GitLab process that deploys the Pages site. When that job completes, you can visit your new Docusaurus site. The Pages documentation explains the URL formatting, which should be similar to https://.gitlab.io//.

  • Static web sitesini görmek için : https://arrowlevent.gitlab.io/nodejs-project/

Part-6 : Add test jobs

  • Now that the site builds and deploys as expected, you can add tests and linting. For example, a Ruby project might run RSpec test jobs. Docusaurus is a static site that uses Markdown and generated HTML, so this tutorial adds jobs to test the Markdown and HTML.

    • linting = Source kodunuzdaki hataları, uyumsuzlukları veya belirli kurallara uymayan unsurları tespit etmek için kullanılan bir süreci ifade eder. Linting, genellikle yazım hataları, kod stili ihlalleri ve potansiyel hata kaynakları gibi konuları tespit ederek kod kalitesini artırmaya yardımcı olur. Bu süreç, yazılım geliştirme sürecinde standartlar ve belirli kuralların takip edilmesini sağlamak amacıyla kullanılır. Linting araçları, belirli bir dil veya teknoloji için kodunuzu analiz eder ve belirli stil kılavuzlarına uymayan kodu belirler.
  • This Part-6 introduces:

  • In this Part-6:

    • Add a new test stage that runs between build and deploy. These three stages are the default stages when stages is undefined in the configuration.

    • Add a lint-markdown job to run markdownlint and check the Markdown in your project. markdownlint is a static analysis tool that checks that your Markdown files follow formatting standards.

      • The sample Markdown files Docusaurus generates are in blog/ and docs/. These directories in the root of project/repository.

      • This tool scans the original Markdown files only, and does not need the generated HTML saved in the build-job artifacts. Speed up the job with dependencies: [] so that it fetches no artifacts.

      • A few of the sample Markdown files violate default markdownlint rules, so add allow_failure: true to let the pipeline continue despite the rule violations.

    • Add a test-html job to run HTMLHint and check the generated HTML. HTMLHint is a static analysis tool that scans generated HTML for known issues.

    • Both test-html and pages need the generated HTML found in the build-job artifacts. Jobs fetch artifacts from all jobs in earlier stages by default, but add dependencies: to make sure the jobs don’t accidentally download other artifacts after future pipeline changes.

  • Modify .gitlab-ci.yml

  - build
  - test               # Add a `test` stage for the test jobs
  - deploy

  stage: build
  image: node
    - npm install
    - npm run build
      - "build/"

  stage: test
  image: node
  dependencies: []     # Don't fetch any artifacts
    - npm install markdownlint-cli2 --global           # Install markdownlint into the container
    - markdownlint-cli2 -v                             # Verify the version, useful for troubleshooting
    - markdownlint-cli2 "blog/**/*.md" "docs/**/*.md"  # Lint all markdown files in blog/ and docs/
  allow_failure: true  # This job fails right now, but don't let it stop the pipeline.

  stage: test
  image: node
    - build-job        # Only fetch artifacts from `build-job`
    - npm install --save-dev htmlhint                  # Install HTMLHint into the container
    - npx htmlhint --version                           # Verify the version, useful for troubleshooting
    - npx htmlhint build/                              # Lint all markdown files in blog/ and docs/

  stage: deploy
    - build-job        # Only fetch artifacts from `build-job`
    - mv build/ public/
      - "public/"
  • Click Commit changes

  • Pipeline aşamalarını/joblarını buradan gözlemleyebilirsinBuild -- Pipelines

  • The lint-markdown job in the test stage fails because the sample Markdown violates the default markdownlint rules, but is allowed to fail. You can Add a markdownlint configuration file to limit which rule violations to alert on. You can also make changes to the Markdown file content and see the changes on the site after the next deployment. BU test stageİÇİNDEKİ lint-markdown job FAILED OLDU AMA PIPELINE ÇALIŞTI. BU JOB'U ÇALIŞTIRMAK İÇİN blog ve docs klasörlerinin içindeki tüm .md uzantılı Markdown dosyalarını modifiye etmelisiniz ve bu job içindeki allow_failure: true satırını ya komple kaldırmalısın ya da allow_failure: false olarak değiştirmelisin. BEN AYNEN BIRAKTIM.

  • Static web sitesini görmek için : https://arrowlevent.gitlab.io/nodejs-project/

Part-7 : Start using merge request pipelines

  • This Part-7 introduces:

    • rules: Add rules to each job to configure in which pipelines they run. You can configure jobs to run in merge request pipelines, scheduled pipelines, or other specific situations. Rules are evaluated from top to bottom, and if a rule matches, the job is added to the pipeline.[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/index.html#rules]

    • CI/CD variables: use these environment variables to configure job behavior in the configuration file and in script commands. Predefined CI/CD variables are variables that you do not need to manually define. They are automatically injected into pipelines so you can use them to configure your pipeline. Variables are usually formatted as $VARIABLE_NAME. and predefined variables are usually prefixed with $CI_. [https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/index.html] [https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/predefined_variables.html]

  • In this Part-7:

    • Create a new feature branch and make the changes in the branch instead of the default branch.

      • Click and get into your project/repository nodejs-project --> Click + Select ``New branchfrom the listBranchname` : `feature1` `Create from` : `main` -->> Create
    • Add rules to each job:

      • The site should only deploy for changes to the default branch.
      • The other jobs should run for all changes in merge requests or the default branch.
    • With this pipeline configuration, you can work from a feature branch without running any jobs, which saves resources. When you are ready to validate your changes, create a merge request and a pipeline runs with the jobs configured to run in merge requests.

    • When your merge request is accepted and the changes merge to the default branch, a new pipeline runs which also contains the pages deployment job. The site deploys if no jobs fail.

  • Modify .gitlab-ci.yml

  - build
  - test
  - deploy

  stage: build
  image: node
    - npm install
    - npm run build
      - "build/"
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'  # Run for all changes to a merge request's source branch
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH       # Run for all changes to the default branch

  stage: test
  image: node
  dependencies: []
    - npm install markdownlint-cli2 --global
    - markdownlint-cli2 -v
    - markdownlint-cli2 "blog/**/*.md" "docs/**/*.md"
  allow_failure: true
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'  # Run for all changes to a merge request's source branch
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH       # Run for all changes to the default branch

  stage: test
  image: node
    - build-job
    - npm install --save-dev htmlhint
    - npx htmlhint --version
    - npx htmlhint build/
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'  # Run for all changes to a merge request's source branch
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH       # Run for all changes to the default branch

  stage: deploy
    - build-job
    - mv build/ public/
      - "public/"
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH      # Run for all changes to the default branch only
  • Click Commit changes

  • Click Create merge request Merge işleminden sonra merge yaptığınız branch'ın silinmesini istiyorsanız, seçeneğin olduğu kare kutucuğa tick atmayı unutmayın, yani bu merge işleminden sonra sadece main branch'ım kalacak. İsterseniz tick atmayın diğer branch da kalsın. " New merge request From feature1 into main Change branches Title (required) : Update .gitlab-ci.yml Description : A merge request from feature1 branch into main branch for updating .gitlab-ci.yml in order to run the jobs and deploy page. Assignee : arrow levent kendi user'ını seç, Unassigned'ı seçme Reviewer : arrow levent kendi user'ını seç, Unassigned'ı seçme Create merge request Click Approve (Optional) Click Merge

  • Pipeline aşamalarını/joblarını buradan gözlemleyebilirsin Build -- Pipelines

  • Static web sitesini görmek için : https://arrowlevent.gitlab.io/nodejs-project/

Part-8 : Start using merge request pipelines

  • Reduce duplicated configuration :

    • The pipeline now contains three jobs that all have identical rules and image configuration. Instead of repeating these rules, use extends and default to create single sources of truth.
  • This Part-8 introduces:

  • In this Part-8:

    • Add a .standard-rules hidden job to hold the rules that are repeated in build-job, lint-markdown, and test-html.

    • Use extends to reuse the .standard-rules configuration in the three jobs.

    • Add a default section to define the image default as node.

    • The pages deployment job does not need the default node image, so explicitly use busybox, an extremely tiny and fast image. [https://hub.docker.com/_/busybox]

  • Modify .gitlab-ci.yml

  - build
  - test
  - deploy

default:               # Add a default section to define the `image` keyword's default value
  image: node

.standard-rules:       # Make a hidden job to hold the common rules
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'

    - .standard-rules  # Reuse the configuration in `.standard-rules` here
  stage: build
    - npm install
    - npm run build
      - "build/"

  stage: test
    - .standard-rules  # Reuse the configuration in `.standard-rules` here
  dependencies: []
    - npm install markdownlint-cli2 --global
    - markdownlint-cli2 -v
    - markdownlint-cli2 "blog/**/*.md" "docs/**/*.md"
  allow_failure: true

  stage: test
    - .standard-rules  # Reuse the configuration in `.standard-rules` here
    - build-job
    - npm install --save-dev htmlhint
    - npx htmlhint --version
    - npx htmlhint build/

  stage: deploy
  image: busybox       # Override the default `image` value with `busybox`
    - build-job
    - mv build/ public/
      - "public/"
  • Build -- Pipelines Pipeline aşamalarını/joblarını buradan gözlemleyebilirsin

  • Static web sitesini görmek için : https://arrowlevent.gitlab.io/nodejs-project/

Resources :


nodejs-project for gitlab CICD pipeline


Language:TypeScript 100.0%