tudat-team / tudat-multidoc

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create example code snippets for various API Documentation entries

jo11he opened this issue · comments


  • environment setup:
    • atmosphere (only exponential, exponential_predefined, wind, etc...)
    • aerodynamic_coefficients (only custom, tabulated, tabulated_force_only, scaled)
    • ephemeris
    • gravity field
    • radiation pressure
    • rotation model
    • shape
  • propagation setup:
    • acceleration (only thrust_and_isp_from_custom_function missing)
    • dependent variables
    • integrator
    • propagator (only propagator creation - translational, rotational, etc...)
    • torque
    • thrust

@jo11he @gaffarelj for the environment part, most modules are done, but I think for some examples it would be better to provide actual values of input arguments rather than showing, e.g., initial_state = .... Better to put an array with random number rather than only dots. This way, the user realizes how it can be done. For some other, instead, leaving something like initial_state = ... is okay, I think it is a case-by-case choice

I finished adding code snippets (and making other improvements) to all of the environment_setup modules for the API documentation.

While at it, I also added the AerodynamicCoefficientsIndependentVariables class to the environment API documentation.

Very good! Is there any roadblock or point of discussion here, or are you good to go for the next parts? Nice to see this being extended :)

I do not expect any struggle to add code snippets to the propagation and propagation_setup modules :)
I am however first working on exposing the time conversions, for which I only need to finish the documentation (the exposing is now done and pushed).