tudat-team / tudat-multidoc

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Add "copy" button to example code snippets

FilippoOggionni opened this issue · comments

This is currently available in tudat-space, but not in the API reference.

This issue has been resolved by adding the sphinx_copybutton package to the documentation. This has been implemented in commits 945fc79 and f53c790.

@gaffarelj one small note: there are two different conda environment files to produce the API docs. The one you modified in tudat-team/tudatpy@f53c790 is used to produce the API docs online. The other one, which is useful to produce the API docs locally, should be updated as well (I did it in commit 98b2e4a).

@jo11he thanks for noticing this! 💯

For the record, I thought that perhaps having only one environment file would make more sense. However, due to how the API generation system is structured, I think it is unavoidable to have two different environment files because they are effectively in two different github repos (please correct me if I am wrong).