tuarua / Google-Maps-ANE

Google Maps Adobe Air Native Extension for iOS 9.0+ and Android 19+.

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showInfoWindow Function

IlmadEddine opened this issue · comments

Can I implement this function :


without click event
To show the title and snippet for all markers


Thank You for your reply
it worked but I can't showing two infowindow at the same time

is there any method to show more than one infowindow or some thing like

No, but you can add custom markers using an image - which could contain text.
See the example which adds a custom marker using an image.

I do ...

but for each info i must create an image (how about hundreds )
I want to parameter this info as label if possible ?

Like I said, no it's not possible - unless you customise the code inside the ANE to achieve what you want.

Ok ... I will do that