ttsirkia / koodisailo

Code vault for storing small code snippets over LTI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This app implements kind of a Pastebin service. The idea is students can save their codes for a short period and continue working with the file, for example, at home. Students can also safely give a link to their code to get help as only the staff members can open the link.

Currently, the only way to log in to the production environment is to use the LTI launch mechanism. Course management systems such as A+ support this to launch external tools and provide the user information.

Version 3.0

What's new in this version?

Updated technology stack

The tool is almost completely rewritten with newer and up-to-date technologies.

The main libraries and technologies used in version 3.0 are (in alphabetical order):

Uploading files

It is now possible to also directly drag files to upload them instead of manually copying and pasting the content. The feature also supports binary files (although they cannot be shown in the browser but can be downloaded).

Multiple LTI keys

It is now possible to define as many LTI keys for different learning management systems as needed instead of sharing only one key with all of them.

Storage quota

The previous version did not have any configurable storage quota. Now it can be defined how many kilobytes each user can use to store their code snippets. The upper limit is two megabytes as all data is stored in the database. Default quota is 500 kB.

Version 3.1

What's new in this version?

LTI version 1.3

LTI version 1.3 is now also supported. It can be configured manually or using LTI Open ID Connect Dynamic Registration Protocol which is supported, for example, by Moodle to automate the whole LTI registration process simply by generating a single URL which is entered to Moodle.


Install Node.js (tested with version 16.17.0) and MongoDB (tested with version 6.0.1).

Then, git clone, npm install, and npm run build. Check the configuration in .env. If you need to replace these default values, it is suggested to create a new file .env.local which is already defined in .gitignore and it will automatically override .env.

The application must be used with proxy pass. The service is configured so that it will be available in port 3001 and with the prefix /koodisailo in the URL. Use the following configuration with NGINX:

location /koodisailo {
  proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
  proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
  proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;
  proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
  proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
  proxy_pass http://localhost:3001/koodisailo;
  proxy_redirect off;
  proxy_http_version 1.1;

Please notice that this configuration is not the same as in Neuvontajono.

LTI Configuration

LTI versions 1.1 and 1.3 are supported.

There is a specific tool ltitool.ts to configure the keys. In order to use it, you need to install ts-node:

> sudo npm install -g typescript ts-node

The tool will use values in .env and .env.local (if it exists) to configure the database connection, for example.

Please notice that the keys are stored in the database without any encryption.

If LTI version is changed, the users may get a new identity in Koodisäilö because of the different contents in the LTI launch request.

LTI version 1.1

The tool provides four commands: delete, list, set, and show.

Create a new key or update existing:
> ts-node ltitool --ltiver=11 --key=test set

The tool will output a new random secret for the key test. If you run the same command again, a new secret will be assigned to the same key. You can also manually specify the secret by using the --secret parameter.

To define more details about key usage, for example, it is possible to use --desc parameter and give a description. The description can be seen by using list or show commands.

Delete a key:
> ts-node ltitool --ltiver=11 --key=test delete
List all keys:
> ts-node ltitool --ltiver=11 list

This will show the names of the existing keys but not the secrets.

Show the secret:
> ts-node ltitool --ltiver=11 --key=test show

Launch URL

Configure your LMS so that the LTI launch address will be http://your.server.example/koodisailo/api/lti/v11/login.

LTI version 1.3

Before LTI version 1.3 can be used, make sure that either .env or .env.local (suggested for production) defines the correct HOSTNAME_URL value. It must be in format http://domain.example:3001 and start with http or https and contain the URL that will be used in browser to access the service. However, the remaining part /koodisailo must not be added and port is needed only if it is not 80 or 443 (this should never be the case in production).

It is possible to manually define all the settings or use LTI Open ID Connect Dynamic Registration Protocol if LMS supports it (e.g. Moodle).

The following claims are required in the LMS launch: iss, sub, name, given_name, family_name, and email.

To define the correct role for the user, these LTI roles are recognized:

  • for assistants
  • for teachers.

All other roles are ignored and the user will get only student access if neither of the roles above are present.

The following commands are available for managing the keys: create, delete, export, import, initialize, list, set, and show.

Initialize a new key for dynamic registration:
> ts-node ltitool --ltiver=13 --name=test initialize

It will output a URL which is entered to LMS for automatic registration. Please notice that in Moodle you need to manully configure after the registration that the tool will open in a new window or otherwise the LTI launch does not work.

The given name is only for internal use and is not shown in LTI requests in any way. To define more details about key usage, for example, it is possible to use --desc parameter and give a description. The description can be seen by using list or show commands.

Initialize a new key manually:
> ts-node ltitool --ltiver=13 --name=test --iss=http://domain.example --login=http://domain.example/login create

You need to define the issuer (iss) as defined in the launch requests and the login URL which will be used to fetch the user information during the launch.

The given name is only for internal use and is not shown in LTI requests in any way. To define more details about key usage, for example, it is possible to use --desc parameter and give a description. The description can be seen by using list or show commands.

If the issuer uses a JWKS URL to provide its public key, use the --jwks parameter to define it. Otherwise you must use import command after the key is created to import the public key. The key cannot be used before either the JWKS URL or public key is defined.

Import a public key for the issuer:
> ts-node ltitool --ltiver=13 --name=test --file=key.pem import

Imports a PEM-encoded SPKI string for the given key and uses it as its public key. It will override the possibly existing key or JWKS URL.

Export the public key of Koodisäilö:
> ts-node ltitool --ltiver=13 --name=test --file=key.pem export

Exports a PEM-encoded SPKI string for the given key. The public key is not technically required because Koodisäilö does not send any data towards the LMS but it is typically needed when a tool is configured. Each key has its own public key.

You can also use the JWKS URL if that is supported, the URL is shown by using the show command.

Delete a key:
> ts-node ltitool --ltiver=13 --name=test delete
List all keys:
> ts-node ltitool --ltiver=13 list
Show details of a key:
> ts-node ltitool --ltiver=13 --name=test show

This will show all the details of an existing key such as the public keys, JWKS URLs and all other stored and configured details.

Update configuration for a key:
> ts-node ltitool --ltiver=13 --name=test set

You can update any combination of the following settings by including them to the command:

--jwks The URL for JWKS for fetching the public key of the issuer. Will replace the possibly existing manually defined public key.

--iss The issuer defined in the LTI messages.

--login The login URL.

--deploymentid The deployment id for the LTI in the LMS. Typically not needed, but stored during the automated registration process if LMS provides the value.

--clientid The client id for the LTI in the LMS. Typically not needed, but stored during the automated registration process if LMS provides the value.

--desc The description of the key

Launch URL

If you need to configure the URLs manually, configure your LMS so that the LTI launch address will be http://your.server.example/koodisailo/api/lti/v13/login and callback URL will be http://your.server.example/koodisailo/api/lti/v13/callback.

Running the service

Use upstart, systemd, or such mechanism to launch the application (npm run start) when the computer and operating system starts. The mechanism must also restart the application if it crashes for some reason.

It cannot be started before npm run build is initially executed after cloning the repository or whenever the source code has changed.


You can run the tool in development mode with the command npm run dev. Please notice that the hot module reload does not work properly with databse models so if you make any changes to those, always restart the process manually.

In this mode, you can bypass the LTI login by launching the UI with an URL like this: http://localhost:3001/koodisailo/api/login/testLogin?firstName=First&lastName=Last&course=Course+1&role=teacher&language=fi

This will allow easily changing the user, course, roles (student, staff or teacher) and languages (en and fi).

The source code is formatted with Prettier (used as a plugin inside VS Code) using maximum line length of 120 characters and two spaces to indent code.


The instructions for using Code Vault can be found here.


Code vault for storing small code snippets over LTI

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 98.7%Language:CSS 1.0%Language:JavaScript 0.2%