ttlequals0 / autovpn

Create On Demand Disposable OpenVPN Endpoints on AWS.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

no internet

neumachen opened this issue · comments

The VPN script works really well, however, just curious as to why when I create a new node without a public IP address, I am able to SSH into the machine but the machine can't connect to the internet. Any thoughts?

Can you please elaborate on what you mean by "no internet" ?

It means the node is unable to access the internet, the VPN node is fine, but the nodes within the same subnet as the VPN node can't access the internet.

How many nodes are you connecting to the VPN endpoint in AWS.

I don't think it's connected at all. I mean, once I am connected to the VPN I can ssh into the node, but when I run any commands that require the internet, well, nothing. I do realize this might be an AWS issue, but if you have some thoughts as to why it's doing so, I would greatly appreciate it.

What OpenVPN client are you using? Dose the client show connected? Dose the virtual interface the OpenVPN client use have a valid IP when connected?