ttanida / rgrg

Code for the CVPR paper "Interactive and Explainable Region-guided Radiology Report Generation"

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Run to partition the dataset and generate empty files

Eleanorhxd opened this issue · comments

Hello, why is the CSV file for the validation set and test set empty when I run to partition the training set, validation set, and test set? What is the reason for this.

Yes, I have meet the same problem. Have you solved it yet is just a simple Python script.

Just put in some breakpoints in the code and run the debugger. I would assume that the file paths may not have been correctly defined in

Observing the values of the variables during debugging, it should become clear what the cause of the empty files are.

I have meet the same problem. Have you solved it yet

I just had some email correspondence with a researcher who had the same problem.

The root cause was that his path_mimic_cxr variable in src/ did not point to a directory that contained a (sub-)directory called "files" with the reference reports in it.

As written in src/

MIMIC-CXR and MIMIC-CXR-JPG dataset paths should both have a (sub-)directory called "files" in their directories.

Note that we only need the report txt files from MIMIC-CXR, which are in the file at


  • MIMIC-CXR-JPG path contains all the images in jpg format
  • MIMIC-CXR path contains the reference reports in txt file format (contained in, which is only 135.4 MB).

Since his reference reports were not available, the validation and test sets are both empty, since the function get_reference_report has these lines:

    if not os.path.exists(path_to_report):
        shortened_path_to_report = os.path.join(f"p{subject_id[:2]}", f"p{subject_id}", f"s{study_id}.txt")
        return -1

If you look in the log file called log_file_dataset_creation.txt that is created when the script has finished, the line num_missing_reports: xxx should consequently display a high number, indicating that the reference reports were missing.