ttak0422 / Limbo

dotfiles v4

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

test from vim

ttak0422 opened this issue · comments


{ pkgs }:
inherit (builtins) readFile;
startup = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
kanagawa = {
plugin = kanagawa-nvim;
startupConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/kanagawa.lua;
config-local = {
plugin = nvim-config-local;
startupConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/config-local.lua;
lsp = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
rustaceanvim = {
plugin = rustaceanvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/rustaceanvim.lua;
args = { on_attach_path = ./lua/on_attach.lua; };
extraPackages = with pkgs; [ graphviz ];
dependPlugins = [ toggleterm-nvim ];
dependGroups = [ "lsp" ];
# loaded by ftplugin
# onFiletypes = [ "rust" ];
onModules = [ "rustaceanvim" ];
trouble = {
# A pretty diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location list to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing.
plugin = trouble-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/trouble.lua;
dependGroups = [ "lsp" ];
onModules = [ "trouble" ];
onCommands = [ "TroubleToggle" ];
# todo add cspell
none-ls = {
plugin = none-ls-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/none-ls.lua;
dependPlugins = [ plenary-nvim ];
extraPackages = with pkgs; [
# TODO: add rules
# formatter
useTimer = true;
filetype = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
jdtls = {
# Extensions for the built-in LSP support in Neovim for
plugin = nvim-jdtls;
dependPlugins = [ ];
dependGroups = [ "lsp" ];
postConfig = let jdtLsp = pkgs.jdt-language-server;
in {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/jdtls.lua;
args = {
runtimes = [
name = "JavaSE-11";
path = pkgs.jdk11;
name = "JavaSE-17";
path = pkgs.jdk17;
default = true;
on_attach_path = ./lua/on_attach.lua;
capabilities_path = ./lua/capabilities.lua;
java_path = "${pkgs.jdk17}/bin/java";
jdtls_config_path = "${jdtLsp}/share/config";
lombok_jar_path = "${pkgs.lombok}/share/java/lombok.jar";
jdtls_jar_pattern =
java_debug_jar_pattern =
java_test_jar_pattern =
jol_jar_path = pkgs.javaPackages.jol;
onFiletypes = [ "java" ];
vtsls = {
# Plugin to help utilize capabilities of vtsls.
plugin = nvim-vtsls;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/vtsls.lua;
dependGroups = [ "lsp" ];
onFiletypes = [ "typescript" "javascript" ];
haskell-tools = {
# Supercharge your Haskell experience in neovim!
plugin = haskell-tools-nvim;
dependPlugins = [ plenary-nvim ];
dependGroups = [ "lsp" ];
extraPackages = with pkgs; [
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/haskell-tools.lua;
args = {
on_attach_path = ./lua/on_attach.lua;
capabilities_path = ./lua/capabilities.lua;
onFiletypes = [ "haskell" ];
flutter-tools = {
# Tools to help create flutter apps in neovim using the native lsp
plugin = flutter-tools-nvim;
dependPlugins = [ plenary-nvim dressing-nvim ];
dependGroups = [ "lsp" ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/flutter-tools.lua;
onFiletypes = [ "dart" ];
# WIP...
rust-tools = {
plugin = rust-tools-nvim;
dependPlugins = [ plenary-nvim toggleterm-nvim ];
dependGroups = [ "lsp" "dap" ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/rust-tools.lua;
args = {
on_attach_path = ./lua/on_attach.lua;
capabilities_path = ./lua/capabilities.lua;
onFiletypes = [ "rust" ];
ionide = {
# FSharp
# [WIP] dotnet
# dotnet tool install -g fsautocomplete
# dotnet tool install -g dotnet-fsharplint
# dotnet tool install --global fantomas-tool
plugin = Ionide-vim;
dependGroups = [ "lsp" ];
preConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/ionide-pre.lua;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/ionide.lua;
args = {
on_attach_path = ./lua/on_attach.lua;
capabilities_path = ./lua/capabilities.lua;
onFiletypes = [ "fsharp" ];
mkdnflow = {
plugin = mkdnflow-nvim;
dependPlugins = [ plenary-nvim ];
onFiletypes = [ "markdown" ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/mkdnflow.lua;
# paredit = {
# plugin = nvim-paredit-fennel;
# onFiletypes = [ "fennel" ];
# dependPlugins = [ nvim-paredit ];
# postConfig = readFile ./../../../nvim/lua/paredit-fennel.lua;
# };
# paredit-fennel = {
# # A fennel language extension for nvim-paredit
# plugin = nvim-paredit-fennel;
# onFiletypes = [ "fennel" ];
# dependPlugins = [ nvim-paredit ];
# postConfig = readFile ./../../../nvim/lua/paredit-fennel.lua;
# };
# conjure = {
# # Interactive evaluation for Neovim (Clojure, Fennel, Janet, Racket, Hy, MIT Scheme, Guile, Python and more!)
# plugin = conjure;
# prpostConfig = readFile ./../../../nvim/lua/conjure-pre.lua;
# postConfig = readFile ./../../../nvim/lua/conjure.lua;
# dependPlugins = [{ plugin = aniseed; }];
# dependGroups = [ "treesitter" ];
# onFiletypes = [ "clojure" "fennel" "scheme" ];
# };
qf = {
# Extends the default quickfix and location lists for neovim
plugin = qf-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/qf.lua;
onFiletypes = [ "qf" ];
onCommands = [ "Qnext" "Qprev" "Lnext" "Lprev" ];
ts-autotag = {
# Use treesitter to auto close and auto rename html tag
plugin = nvim-ts-autotag;
dependGroups = [ "treesitter" ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/ts-autotag.lua;
onFiletypes = [ "javascript" "typescript" "jsx" "tsx" "vue" "html" ];
vim-nix = {
plugin = vim-nix;
onFiletypes = [ "nix" ];
vim-markdown = {
plugin = vim-markdown;
preConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/vim-markdown-pre.lua;
onFiletypes = [ "markdown" ];
nfnl = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
plugin = nfnl;
onFiletypes = [ "fennel" ];
extraPackages = with pkgs; [ sd fd ];
git = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
octo = {
plugin = octo-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/octo.lua;
dependPlugins = [ plenary-nvim nvim-web-devicons ];
dependGroups = [ "telescope" ];
onCommands = [ "Octo" ];
neogit = {
plugin = neogit;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/neogit.lua;
dependPlugins = [ plenary-nvim diffview-nvim ];
dependGroups = [ "telescope" ];
onCommands = [ "Neogit" ];
extraPackages = with pkgs; [ gh ];
git-conflict = {
plugin = git-conflict-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/git-conflict.lua;
useTimer = true;
git-signs = {
plugin = gitsigns-nvim;
dependPlugins = [ plenary-nvim ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/gitsigns.lua;
onEvents = [ "CursorMoved" ];
gina = {
plugin = gina-vim;
postConfig = {
language = "vim";
code = readFile ./vim/gina.vim;
onCommands = [ "Gina" ];
gin = {
plugin = gin-vim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/gin.lua;
dependPlugins = [ denops-vim ];
onCommands = [
useDenops = true;
diffview = {
plugin = diffview-nvim;
dependPlugins = [ nvim-web-devicons ];
onCommands = [ "DiffviewOpen" "DiffviewToggleFiles" ];
dap = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
dap-go = {
# An extension for nvim-dap providing configurations for launching go debugger (delve) and debugging individual tests
plugin = nvim-dap-go;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/dap-go.lua;
dependGroups = [ "dap" ];
onFiletypes = [ "go" ];
extraPackages = with pkgs; [ delve ];
style = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
bufferline = {
plugin = bufferline-nvim;
dependPlugins = [ scope-nvim ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/bufferline.lua;
useTimer = true;
numb = {
# Peek lines just when you intend
plugin = numb-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/numb.lua;
onEvents = [ "CmdlineEnter" ];
indent-blankline = {
plugin = indent-blankline-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/indent-blankline.lua;
dependPlugins = [ rainbow-delimiters-nvim ];
hlchunk = {
# This is the lua implementation of nvim-hlchunk, you can use this neovim plugin to highlight your indent line and the current chunk (context) your cursor stayed
plugin = hlchunk-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/hlchunk.lua;
dependGroups = [ "treesitter" ];
onEvents = [ "CursorMoved" ];
ufo = {
# Not UFO in the sky, but an ultra fold in Neovim.
plugin = nvim-ufo;
dependPlugins = [ promise-async statuscol-nvim indent-blankline-nvim ];
dependGroups = [ "treesitter" ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/ufo.lua;
useTimer = true;
statuscol = {
# Status column plugin that provides a configurable 'statuscolumn' and click handlers.
plugin = statuscol-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/statuscol.lua;
useTimer = true;
bqf = {
# Better quickfix window in Neovim, polish old quickfix window.
plugin = nvim-bqf;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/bqf.lua;
onModules = [ "bqf" ];
# loaded by ftplugin
# onEvents = [ "QuickFixCmdPre" ];
dependGroups = [ "fzf" "treesitter" ];
dependPlugins = [{
plugin = nvim-pqf;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/pqf.lua;
# onEvents = [ "QuickFixCmdPre" ];
extraPackages = with pkgs; [ fzf ];
qfview = {
# Pretty quickfix/location view for Neovim
plugin = qfview-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/qfview.lua;
onEvents = [ "QuickFixCmdPre" ];
useTimer = true;
noice = {
plugin = noice-nvim;
dependPlugins = [ nui-nvim nvim-notify ];
dependGroups = [ "treesitter" ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/noice.lua;
args = { exclude_ft_path = ./lua/exclude_ft.lua; };
useTimer = true;
context-vt = {
# Virtual text context for neovim treesitter
plugin = nvim_context_vt;
dependGroups = [ "treesitter" ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/context-vt.lua;
useTimer = true;
glance = {
plugin = glance-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/glance.lua;
onCommands = [ "Glance" ];
heirline = {
plugin = heirline-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/heirline.lua;
dependPlugins = [
plugin = piccolo-pomodoro-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/piccolo-pomodoro.lua;
onModules = [ "piccolo-pomodoro" ];
useTimer = true;
satellite = {
plugin = satellite-nvim;
dependPlugins = [ gitsigns-nvim ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/satellite.lua;
args = { exclude_ft_path = ./lua/exclude_ft.lua; };
onEvents = [ "CursorMoved" ];
winsep = {
plugin = colorful-winsep-nvim;
onEvents = [ "WinNew" ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/winsep.lua;
args = { exclude_ft_path = ./lua/exclude_ft.lua; };
dropbar = {
plugin = dropbar-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/dropbar.lua;
dependPlugins = [ nvim-web-devicons ];
dependGroups = [ "telescope" "treesitter" ];
onModules = [ "dropbar.api" ];
useTimer = true;
notify = {
plugin = nvim-notify;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/notify.lua;
tint = {
plugin = tint-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/tint.lua;
onEvents = [ "WinNew" ];
devicons = {
plugin = nvim-web-devicons;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/devicons.lua;
registers = {
plugin = registers-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/registers.lua;
onEvents = [ "CursorMoved" ];
codewindow = {
plugin = codewindow-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/codewindow.lua;
args = { exclude_ft_path = ./lua/exclude_ft.lua; };

  dependGroups = [ \"treesitter\" ];
  # onEvents = [ \"CursorHold\" ];
  onModules = [ \"codewindow\" ];

override = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
hydra = {
plugin = hydra-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/hydra.lua;
onEvents = [ "CmdlineEnter" "CursorMoved" ];
hlslens = {
plugin = nvim-hlslens;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/hlslens.lua;
onEvents = [ "CmdlineEnter" ];
asterisk = {
# *-Improved
plugin = vim-asterisk;
postConfig = {
language = "vim";
code = readFile ./vim/asterisk.vim;
onEvents = [ "CursorMoved" ];
mkdir = {
# This neovim plugin creates missing folders on save.
plugin = mkdir-nvim;
onEvents = [ "CmdlineEnter" ];
indent-o-matic = {
# Dumb automatic fast indentation detection for Neovim written in Lua
plugin = indent-o-matic;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/indent-o-matic.lua;
onEvents = [ "CursorMoved" ];
toolwindow = {
# Easy management of a toolwindow.
plugin = toolwindow-nvim;
onModules = [ "toolwindow" ];
open = {
# Open the current word with custom openers, GitHub shorthands for example.
plugin = open-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/open.lua;
onModules = [ "open" ];
fundo = {
# Forever undo in Neovim
plugin = nvim-fundo;
dependPlugins = [ promise-async ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/fundo.lua;
useTimer = true;
waitevent = {
# Neovim plugin to avoid nested nvim
plugin = waitevent-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/waitevent.lua;
useTimer = true;
ambiwidth = {
# This plugin provides a set of setcellwidths() for Vim that the ambiwidth is single.
plugin = vim-ambiwidth;
useTimer = true;
scope = {
plugin = scope-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/scope.lua;
smart-splits = {
# Smart, seamless, directional navigation and resizing of Neovim
plugin = smart-splits-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/smart-splits.lua;
dependPlugins = [{
plugin = bufresize-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/bufresize.lua;
onModules = [ "smart-splits" ];
onEvents = [ "WinNew" ];
tabout = {
# tabout plugin for neovim
plugin = tabout-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/tabout.lua;
dependGroups = [ "treesitter" ];
onEvents = [ "InsertEnter" ];
marks = {
# A better user experience for viewing and interacting with Vim marks.
plugin = marks-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/marks.lua;
onCommands = [ "MarksQFListBuf" "MarksQFListGlobal" ];
onEvents = [ "CursorMoved" ];
helper = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
lastplace = {
plugin = nvim-lastplace;
preConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/lastplace-pre.lua;
args = {
exclude_ft_path = ./lua/exclude_ft.lua;
exclude_buf_ft_path = ./lua/exclude_buf_ft.lua;
onCommands = [ "BufNew" "BufAdd" ];
direnv = {
plugin = direnv-vim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/direnv.lua;
onEvents = [ "DirChangedPre" ];
stickybuf = {
plugin = stickybuf-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/stickybuf.lua;
early-retirement = {
plugin = nvim-early-retirement;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/early-retirement.lua;
useTimer = true;
safe-close-window = {
plugin = safe-close-window-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/safe-close-window.lua;
onCommands = [ "SafeCloseWindow" ];
dd = {
# Deferring of NeoVim diagnostics
plugin = nvim-dd;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/dd.lua;
onEvents = [ "InsertEnter" ];
trim = {
# This plugin trims trailing whitespace and lines.
plugin = trim-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/trim.lua;
onEvents = [ "BufWritePre" ];
project = {
# The superior project management solution for neovim.
plugin = project-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/project.lua;
useTimer = true;
qfheight = {
plugin = qfheight-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/qfheight.lua;
onFiletypes = [ "qf" ];
onEvents = [ "QuickFixCmdPre" ];
history-ignore = {
# Configure commands not to be registered in the command-line history
plugin = history-ignore-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/history-ignore.lua;
onEvents = [ "CmdlineEnter" ];
auto-indent = {
# Auto indent like VSCode when cursor at the first column and press key
plugin = auto-indent-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/auto-indent.lua;
dependGroups = [ "treesitter" ];
tool = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
venn = {
plugin = venn-nvim;
onCommands = [ "VBox" ];
undotree = {
plugin = undotree;
onCommands = [ "UndotreeToggle" ];
preConfig = readFile ./vim/undotree-pre.vim;
qfreplace = {
plugin = vim-qfreplace;
onCommands = [ "Qfreplace" ];
global-note = {
plugin = global-note-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/global-note.lua;
onCommands = [ "GlobalNote" "ProjectNote" ];
dotfyle = {
plugin = dotfyle-metadata-nvim;
onCommands = [ "DotfyleGenerate" ];
sqlite = {
plugin = sqlite-lua;
preConfig = ''
if has('mac')
let g:sqlite_clib_path = '${pkgs.sqlite.out}/lib/libsqlite3.dylib'
let g:sqlite_clib_path = '${pkgs.sqlite.out}/lib/'
markdown-preview = {
plugin = markdown-preview-nvim;
onFiletypes = [ "markdown" ];
translate = {
# Translate languages
plugin = denops-translate-vim;
preConfig = {
language = "vim";
code = readFile ./lua/denops-translate-pre.lua;
dependPlugins = [ denops-vim ];
useDenops = true;
onCommands = [ "Translate" ];
toggleterm = {
# A neovim lua plugin to help easily manage multiple terminal windows
plugin = toggleterm-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/toggleterm.lua;
onCommands = [ "ToggleTerm" "TermToggle" ];
vimdoc-ja = {
# A project which translate Vim documents into Japanese.
plugin = vimdoc-ja;
onEvents = [ "CmdlineEnter" ];
legendary = {
# A legend for your keymaps, commands, and autocmds, integrates with which-key.nvim, lazy.nvim, and more.
plugin = legendary-nvim;
dependGroups = [ "telescope" ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/legendary.lua;
dependPlugins = [ sqlite-lua ];
onCommands = [ "Legendary" ];
window-picker = {
plugin = nvim-window-picker;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/window-picker.lua;
args = {
exclude_ft_path = ./lua/exclude_ft.lua;
exclude_buf_ft_path = ./lua/exclude_buf_ft.lua;
onModules = [ "window-picker" ];
nnn = {
plugin = pkgs.vimPluginsUnstable.nnn-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/nnn.lua;
extraPackages = with pkgs; [ nnn ];
nvim-tree = {
plugin = pkgs.vimPluginsUnstable.nvim-tree-lua;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/nvim-tree.lua;
dependPlugins = [ nvim-web-devicons dressing-nvim stickybuf-nvim ];
onCommands = [ "NvimTreeFocus" "NvimTreeToggle" ];
neotree = {
plugin = neotree-nvim-3;
dependPlugins = [ plenary-nvim nvim-web-devicons nui-nvim ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/neotree.lua;
onCommands = [ "Neotree" ];
bufdel = {
plugin = nvim-bufdel;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/bufdel.lua;
onCommands = [ "BufDel" "BufDel!" "BufDelAll" "BufDelOthers" ];
neozoom = {
# A simple usecase of floating window to help you focus.
plugin = NeoZoom-lua;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/neozoom.lua;
onCommands = [ "NeoZoomToggle" ];
femaco = {
# Catalyze your Fenced Markdown Code-block editing!
plugin = nvim-FeMaco-lua;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/femaco.lua;
dependGroups = [ "treesitter" ];
onCommands = [ "FeMaco" ];
winshift = {
# Rearrange your windows with ease.
plugin = winshift-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/winshift.lua;
onCommands = [ "WinShift" ];
jukit = {
# Jupyter-Notebook inspired Neovim/Vim Plugin
plugin = vim-jukit;
overseer = {
# A task runner and job management plugin for Neovim
plugin = overseer-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/overseer.lua;
dependPlugins = [ toggleterm-nvim ];
onCommands = [ "OverseerRun" ];
colorizer = {
# The fastest Neovim colorizer.
plugin = nvim-colorizer-lua;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/colorizer.lua;
onCommands = [ "ColorizerToggle" ];
detour = {
# Use popup windows to navigate files/buffer and to contain shells/TUIs
plugin = detour-nvim;
postConfig = {
code = readFile ./lua/detour.lua;
language = "lua";
onCommands = [ "Detour" "DetourCurrentWindow" ];
onModules = [ "detour" ];
flow = {
# A neovim plugin that lets you build custom commands to automate parts of your development workflow
plugin = flow-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/flow.lua;
onCommands = [ "FlowRunSelected" "FlowRunFile" "FlowLauncher" ];
startuptime = {
# vim-startup
plugin = vim-startuptime;
onCommands = [ "StartupTime" ];
harpoon = {
plugin = harpoon-1;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/harpoon.lua;
dependPlugins = [ plenary-nvim ];
onModules = [ "harpoon.ui" ];
nvim-window = {
# Easily jump between NeoVim windows.
plugin = nvim-window;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/window.lua;
onModules = [ "nvim-window" ];
jabs = {
# Just Another Buffer Switcher for Neovim
plugin = JABS-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/jabs.lua;
onCommands = [ "JABSOpen" ];
search = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
which-key = {
# Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey is a lua plugin for Neovim 0.5 that displays a popup with possible keybindings of the command you started typing.
plugin = which-key-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/whichkey.lua;
useTimer = true;
goto-preview = {
# A small Neovim plugin for previewing definitions using floating windows.
plugin = goto-preview;
dependPlugins = [ tint-nvim ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/goto-preview.lua;
onModules = [ "goto-preview" ];
spectre = {
# Find the enemy and replace them with dark power.
plugin = nvim-spectre;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/spectre.lua;
dependPlugins = [ plenary-nvim nvim-web-devicons ];
extraPackages = with pkgs; [ gnused ripgrep ];
onModules = [ "spectre" ];
kensaku = {
plugin = kensaku-command-vim;
dependPlugins = [{
plugin = kensaku-vim;
useDenops = true;
dependPlugins = [ denops-vim ];
onCommands = [ "Kensaku" ];
reacher = {
# Displayed range search buffer
plugin = reacher-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/reacher.lua;
onModules = [ "reacher" ];
motion = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
better-escape = {
# Escape from insert mode without delay when typing
plugin = better-escape-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/better-escape.lua;
onEvents = [ "InsertEnter" ];
nap = {
plugin = nap-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/nap.lua;
onEvents = [ "CursorMoved" ];
dependPlugins = [{
plugin = BufferBrowser;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/BufferBrowser.lua;
args = { exclude_ft_path = ./lua/exclude_ft.lua; };
useTimer = true;
leap = {
# Neovim's answer to the mouse
plugin = leap-nvim;
dependPlugins = [ vim-repeat ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/leap.lua;
onEvents = [ "CursorMoved" ];
flit = {
# Enhanced f/t motions for Leap
plugin = flit-nvim;
dependPlugins = [ leap-nvim ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/flit.lua;
onEvents = [ "CursorMoved" ];

in with pkgs.vimPlugins;
tshjkl = {
# Tree-sitter hjkl movement for neovim
plugin = tshjkl-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/tshjkl.lua;
onEvents = [ "CursorMoved" ];
comment = {
# Smart and powerful comment plugin for neovim. Supports treesitter, dot repeat, left-right/up-down motions, hooks, and more
plugin = Comment-nvim;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/comment.lua;
onEvents = [ "InsertEnter" "CursorMoved" ];
todo-comments = {
# Highlight, list and search todo comments in your projects
plugin = todo-comments-nvim;
dependPlugins = [ plenary-nvim trouble-nvim ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/todo-comments.lua;
onCommands = [ "TodoQuickFix" "TodoLocList" "TodoTrouble" "TodoTelescope" ];
extraPackages = [ pkgs.ripgrep ];
useTimer = true;
treesj = {
# Neovim plugin for splitting/joining blocks of code
plugin = treesj;
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/treesj.lua;
onModules = [ "treesj" ];
neogen = {
# A better annotation generator. Supports multiple languages and annotation conventions.
plugin = neogen;
dependPlugins = [ vim-vsnip ];
dependGroups = [ "treesitter" ];
postConfig = {
language = "lua";
code = readFile ./lua/neogen.lua;
onCommands = [ "Neogen" ];
denops = {
plugin = denops-vim;
extraPackages = with pkgs.pkgs-unstable; [ deno ];
} // startup // lsp // dap // filetype // git // style // override // helper
// tool // search // motion