tsvietOK / contest-cities-game

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Current high score table:

Place Score Name Solution link
1 16715 @black220sun https://gitlab.com/black220sun/contest-cities-game/tree/Attempt-2
2 15984 @tsvietOK https://github.com/tsvietOK/contest-cities-game
3 15900 @freudzone https://github.com/freudzone/contest-cities-game
4 14800* @dantistnfs https://github.com/Dantistnfs/contest-cities-game (Rust)
5 11941 @kovez https://github.com/luxTutamen/cities

* the actual score is higher, but since solution behaviour is not idempotent, I have chosen the best score and added extra penalty -100

For external solution (solutions written not in Java)

The requirements are next:

  • Be runnable at windows (sorry, I don't have linux env right now)
  • Accepts 2 command line params: input file path and output file path
  • Writes the solution* to the file which path was passed as a second argument

* cities chain in the same format as in input file

For Java solutions

Implement the method com.itkpi.java.contest.cities.solution.Solver#solveCitiesGame

     * This method should order cities names (strings) from allCitiesList argument
     * into longest chain possible following the rules of the "Cities game".
     * <br><br>
     * <b> Cities game rules: </b>
     * <li> Cities names should be ordered to the chain in which every next city name starting with the last letter of the previous city name. </li>
     * <li> The first city name can be any. </li>
     * <li> Each city name should be real. </li>
     * <li> All city names in the chain should be unique. </li>
     * <br>
     * <b>Example:</b> London, Naga, Aurora, Aswan
     * <br><br>
     * <b>Additional requirements:</b>
     * Time limit is 2 minutes
    public List<String> solveCitiesGame(List<String> allCitiesList)
        // TODO: implement this
        return Collections.emptyList();



Language:Java 100.0%