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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is the font too big?

starbelly opened this issue · comments

On my screen the font is too big, is it just me? Should we adjust the style?

It does seem a bit big to me as well, though the old site sometimes got complaints for being a bit hard to read in terms of size and contrast.

Yeah, I feel it's too small on the production site. It's defined in px though vs em or percentage. I think if we find a happy medium defining the font size in em or percentage that'll work pretty well for most people. Likewise, we can also define different base font sizes depending on the user's media width.

Really, docsy is bootstrap so, it should handle most of the size concerns for us in regards to diff devices, media sizes, etc.

Screen Shot 2020-07-13 at 4 59 31 PM

☝️ default base font size (1rem)

👇 Adjusted to 0.9rem

Screen Shot 2020-07-13 at 4 59 50 PM

@ferd @tsloughter How do you feel about the size up above?

The images are auto-resized by github and when I open them they seem to be a HDPI/retina kind of screenshot so I have no idea how they actually apply to the real world. That being said, in github the new font looks too small, auto-resized in my browser (which has a wider viewport) the smaller font looks good, and in full screen they're both too large because of the resolution.

I think a PR probably makes the most sense (or just a diff I can apply locally to check)

Aight, PR coming up. It's a one liner.