tschamm / boschshcpy

Bosch Smart Home Controller API Python Library

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'PRESS_LONG_RELEASED' is not a valid KeypadService.KeyEvent.

nixe64 opened this issue · comments

After a software update of my Bosch Smart Home Controller (Version 1), i get the following error message Error in polling thread: 'PRESS_LONG_RELEASED' is not a valid KeypadService.KeyEvent. Waiting 15 seconds. in my application, when i press one of my universal switches (version 1).

I use the lastest version (0.2.57) of boschshcpy in my application

Here a short extract of my log-file

Logger: boschshcpy
Source: /var/lib/shc/.venv/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/boschshcpy/session.py:213
First occurred: 12:05:38 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:07:27

Error in polling thread: 'PRESS_LONG_RELEASED' is not a valid KeypadService.KeyEvent. Waiting 15 seconds.