ts-plus / typescript

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`pipeable-operator` is not considered in adding "import" annotation

IMax153 opened this issue · comments

For example, Layer.to:

Here is to.ts:

import { ILayerTo } from "@effect/core/io/Layer/definition"

 * Feeds the output services of this builder into the input of the specified
 * builder, resulting in a new builder with the inputs of this builder as
 * well as any leftover inputs, and the outputs of the specified builder.
 * @tsplus pipeable-operator effect/core/io/Layer >>
 * @tsplud static effect/core/io/Layer.Aspects to
 * @tsplud pipeable effect/core/io/Layer to
export function to<RIn2, E2, ROut2>(that: Layer<RIn2, E2, ROut2>) {
  return <RIn, E, ROut>(self: Layer<RIn, E, ROut>): Layer<RIn | Exclude<RIn2, ROut>, E | E2, ROut2> =>
      new ILayerTo(
        Layer.environment<Exclude<RIn2, ROut>>() + self,
        // @ts-expect-error

and here is the generated declaration file (to.d.ts):

import { Layer } from "@effect/core/io/Layer/definition";
 * Feeds the output services of this builder into the input of the specified
 * builder, resulting in a new builder with the inputs of this builder as
 * well as any leftover inputs, and the outputs of the specified builder.
 * @tsplus pipeable-operator effect/core/io/Layer >>
 * @tsplud static effect/core/io/Layer.Aspects to
 * @tsplud pipeable effect/core/io/Layer to
export declare function to<RIn2, E2, ROut2>(that: Layer<RIn2, E2, ROut2>): <RIn, E, ROut>(self: import("@effect/core/io/Layer/definition").Layer<RIn, E, ROut>) => import("@effect/core/io/Layer/definition").Layer<RIn | Exclude<RIn2, ROut>, E2 | E, ROut2>;
//# sourceMappingURL=to.d.ts.map

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