tryolabs / requestium

Integration layer between Requests and Selenium for automation of web actions.

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Message: invalid cookie domain: Cookie 'domain' mismatch

m1ch4elx opened this issue · comments

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "e:\moi soft\4ej\", line 82, in
s.driver.ensure_add_cookie(cook, override_domain='')
File "C:\Users\Micha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\requestium\", line 279, in ensure_add_cookie
File "C:\Users\Micha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\remote\", line 894, in add_cookie
self.execute(Command.ADD_COOKIE, {'cookie': cookie_dict})
File "C:\Users\Micha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\remote\", line 321, in execute
File "C:\Users\Micha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\remote\", line 242, in check_response
raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)
selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidCookieDomainException: Message: invalid cookie domain: Cookie 'domain' mismatch
(Session info: chrome=103.0.5060.114)

webdriver is on the correct domain but can't add cookie :(

Hi @m1ch4elx can you post example code that's causing this error?

cooks = open('cookies/YT_cookie96828943.txt', encoding='utf-8').read().splitlines()
lastcooks = []
for cook in cooks:
  domain, flag, path, secure, expiration, name, value = cook.split('	')
  data = {
    'domain': domain,
    'flag': bool(flag),
    'path': path,
    'secure': bool(secure), 
    'expiration': expiration, 
    'name': name if len(name) >=1 else 'None', 
    'value': value

url = ''

s = Session(webdriver_path='chromedriver.exe',

for cook in lastcooks:
    s.driver.ensure_add_cookie(cook, override_domain='')


Hi @m1ch4elx can you post example code that's causing this error?

Seems like dict of cookies is correct

Hi @m1ch4elx can you post example code that's causing this error?

It goes wrong when trying to add cookie to even when webdriver on this page

Can you tell me a little bit more about what you're trying to accomplish? It seems you want to load some cookies so that you can scrape data out of Gmail? When loads, are you authenticated or does it redirect to expecting you to login there?

It's just example of cookies, but is redirecting to too. The main problem is webdriver trying to apply cookies to, cuz of ensure_add_cookies it goes to that page and after that giving domain mismatch error

Can you tell me a little bit more about what you're trying to accomplish? It seems you want to load some cookies so that you can scrape data out of Gmail? When loads, are you authenticated or does it redirect to expecting you to login there?

And even with it's not working too, cuz when ensure_add_cookies trying to get to it redirects to and domain mismatch shows

All ensure_add_cookie does is visit the page of the cookie it's trying to load. If that page redirects (which is outside of the function's control since the webdriver behaves exactly like a browser), the function won't have an opportunity to load the cookie until it's too late.

The above situation is exactly what the override_domain parameter is for. So if I'm understanding your use case right, for your cookies you need to set override_domain to, and then each cookie will be added there.

Ok, will try it now and get u know

Got this error

Im trying to add netscape cookies but formatted to dict

Same InvalidCookieDomainException happening here. And the driver loads the page unauthenticated

Hey all, I'm wanting to dig back into this issue, but need a clear and complete example of steps to reproduce. @m1ch4elx your code is the closest to that, but it references a cookies file and I'd need to know how you created that so I can try to make a similar one.

Hey all, I'm wanting to dig back into this issue, but need a clear and complete example of steps to reproduce. @m1ch4elx your code is the closest to that, but it references a cookies file and I'd need to know how you created that so I can try to make a similar one.

It's just a simple file with cookies in netscape, Firefox has extension called cookie quick manager that can save cookies in that format

So you log into Google account manually in Firefox, save the cookies off, and then you want to use requestium to automate interacting with your gmail, am I tracking that right?

So you log into Google account manually in Firefox, save the cookies off, and then you want to use requestium to automate interacting with your gmail, am I tracking that right?

Well, I can say yes, I guess

I just published a new version that is a bit more robust in its loading of cookies, but ultimately the issue here wasn't requestium itself but some limitations in Selenium combined with quirks in how sites like google do authentication. For example, the order you load the cookies matters.

Here's code I tested that worked with the latest version:

# Only include cookies relevant to the google domain
lastcooks = [c for c in lastcooks if '' in c['domain']]
# Sort by domain (effectively ensuring the cookies are loaded ahead of
lastcooks.sort(key=lambda c: c['domain'])

# A handful of cookies still don't load, so make sure to keep going in those cases
for cook in lastcooks:
        s.driver.ensure_add_cookie(cook, override_domain='')  # Note the domain override here
    except Exception as error:

url = ''

@m1ch4elx give this a try and let me know how it goes for you.

I just published a new version that is a bit more robust in its loading of cookies, but ultimately the issue here wasn't requestium itself but some limitations in Selenium combined with quirks in how sites like google do authentication. For example, the order you load the cookies matters.

Here's code I tested that worked with the latest version:

# Only include cookies relevant to the google domain
lastcooks = [c for c in lastcooks if '' in c['domain']]
# Sort by domain (effectively ensuring the cookies are loaded ahead of
lastcooks.sort(key=lambda c: c['domain'])

# A handful of cookies still don't load, so make sure to keep going in those cases
for cook in lastcooks:
        s.driver.ensure_add_cookie(cook, override_domain='')  # Note the domain override here
    except Exception as error:

url = ''

@m1ch4elx give this a try and let me know how it goes for you.

Okay, I'll try it

Not working for me :(


I saw similar behavior until I played around with 1) which cookies I tried to load, and 2) the order that I loaded them in. Do some experimentation.

I saw similar behavior until I played around with 1) which cookies I tried to load, and 2) the order that I loaded them in. Do some experimentation.

Okay, thanks anyway

Hey @m1ch4elx I realize in re-reading my previous post I may have come across as dismissive. I apologize for that. It's just that there isn't much more that requestium as a library can do to help in this situation. It can't possibly know the particularities of every website's use of cookies, how they redirect to other domains when cookies aren't present, etc.

What I can say is that when I exported all my cookies using the Firefox plugin you described, then filtered the list by ones whose domain contained, and loaded them into requestium in sorted order, I was able to open and interact with successfully.

With some persistence and trial and error I bet you can figure out what works for your situation also. But for now I'm closing this ticket.