trufflesecurity / trufflehog

Find, verify, and analyze leaked credentials

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Flaky Snowflake unit tests

rgmz opened this issue · comments

The Snowflake unit tests are flaky and periodically fail:

--- FAIL: TestSnowflake_Pattern (0.01s)
    --- FAIL: TestSnowflake_Pattern/Snowflake_Credentials (0.01s)
        snowflake_test.go:70: did not receive result
    --- FAIL: TestSnowflake_Pattern/Private_Snowflake_Credentials (0.00s)
        snowflake_test.go:70: did not receive result
    --- FAIL: TestSnowflake_Pattern/Snowflake_Credentials_-_Single_Character_account (0.00s)
        snowflake_test.go:70: did not receive result
FAIL	0.618s

This is presumably due to the use of brianvoe/gofakeit to generate values.

func TestSnowflake_Pattern(t *testing.T) {
username := gofakeit.Username()
password := gofakeit.Password(true, true, true, false, false, 10)

I don't know if these are valid results being missed, or invalid generated values that ought to be skipped.