truffle-box / drizzle-box

This box comes with everything you need to start using smart contracts from a react app with Drizzle. It includes drizzle, drizzle-react and drizzle-react-components to give you a complete overview of Drizzle's capabilities.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What should be on http://localhost:3000?

pengyu opened this issue · comments

I run the following command.

truffle unbox drizzle
truffle compile
truffle migrate
npm run start

Then I open http://localhost:3000, but I see nothing. Is it what I supposed to see?

You should open with MetaMask,choose you private network and create an account,when Dapp is ready. It will display a sample for couple case for you.

@ZakaryCode I have chosen the localhost:8545 as the network and I have logged in with my account that I created when I 1st installed metamask a few months ago, but the page reloads and is still blank. Using chrome, windows 10..what am I not doing?

@pengyu As mentioned in #24 if you run npm update then re-compile and re-migrate your contracts, it should work then.