truffle-box / drizzle-box

This box comes with everything you need to start using smart contracts from a react app with Drizzle. It includes drizzle, drizzle-react and drizzle-react-components to give you a complete overview of Drizzle's capabilities.

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Unable to open home page! TypeError: Cannot read property 'address' of undefined

roshisoftsol opened this issue · comments

After minor tweaks in package.json file, 'npm run test' finally passed. (Refer to comments of #10)
But getting an error in Chrome console after doing npm run start. Got nothing in terminal though.

Running on macOS High Sierra
ganache is running
truffle test -> passed
npm run test -> passed

Steps in #11 were of no help.

Error in Chrome Console ->
Error retrieving network ID:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'address' of undefined
at http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:69576:103
From previous event:
at new DrizzleContract (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:69575:27)
at Drizzle.getContracts (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:69461:58)
at http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:69442:17
at anonymous

Edit: 07/03/18
I installed ubuntu 16.04 LTS on virtualbox and did a fresh install of drizzle box using link: with one minor change, after doing drizzle unbox I removed the node_modules folder and did 'npm install'. This worked for me. I got the drizzle box up.

@roshisoftsol I fixed this error by switching to localhost:8545 on Metamask. If you changed the port you're running ganache on (e.g. 7545) then you can change metamask to run on that.

I have that same error. I tried switching metamask to localhost:8545 and I still get the error.

Could you please elaborate sajclarke? I can't seem to get this to work.

Thanks in advance.

I have the same error, also tried switching metamask to localhost:8545.

I have another error in Chrome Console:

Error initializing Drizzle.
Then the one from above.

How can I fix it?
Thanks in advance.

Having the same issue

I fixed this by deleting all the .json files under build/contracts and
truffle compile truffle migrate


Well, it seems it doesn't really fix the issue

"I had the same errors - fixed by changing my Metamask network to: localhost:8545 (the default Ganache port)"

Okay, after 5 hours of trial&error, I found a solution. I guess it is an issue related to incompatible npm packages. This process works for me:

  • open a terminal, start with an empty folder
  • truffle unbox drizzle
  • edit package.json and add to the dependencies section:
    • "eth-block-tracker-es5": "^2.3.2"
    • "web3": "1.0.0-beta.34"
  • npm update (to install the aforementioned packages and to update drizzle and its components to the latest version)
  • run in another terminal: ganache-cli -b 3
  • truffle compile
  • truffle migrate
  • npm run start

@ColdDevil this worked for me as well. Thanks for saving me hours of work!

@ColdDevil's solution worked for me too. Probably only need to edit the package.json file.

@ColdDevil thanks, that actually did the trick


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