trstringer / manual-approval

Pause your GitHub Actions workflow and request manual approval from set approvers before continuing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

422 Validation Failed

zubrik13 opened this issue · comments

Latest runs fails with following error msg

error creating issue: POST*/*/issues: 422 Validation Failed [{Resource:Issue Field:assignees Code:invalid Message:}]

Full error message:

Creating issue in repo smartlook/smartlook-devops with the following content:
Title: Manual approval required for workflow run 11111111: Terraform deployment to prod environment
Approvers: [user1 user2 user3]
Workflow is pending manual review.

Required approvers: [user1 user2 user3]

Respond "approved", "approve", "lgtm", "yes" to continue workflow or "denied", "deny", "no" to cancel.
error creating issue: POST*/*/issues: 422 Validation Failed [{Resource:Issue Field:assignees Code:invalid Message:}]

Use it in following configuration:

- name: Manual approval
  id: approve
  uses: trstringer/manual-approval@v1
  timeout-minutes: 1
    secret: ${{ github.TOKEN }}
    approvers: user1,user2,user3
    minimum-approvals: 1
    issue-title: "Terraform deployment to ${{ matrix.env }} environment"
    exclude-workflow-initiator-as-approver: false

Discovered it today. Worked flawless previously.

Any ideas regarding the reason?


I'm having same issue now, did the github API change recently ?

Same here


Sorry for the delay! Looking into this.

Can you confirm that the users you're trying to set as approvers, that you can manually set them as approvers for an issue?

@trstringer bingo, in my case one of the user did not exist anymore and was causing the issue, after removing the user problem is gone.

@trstringer in my case the team was a secret team. After making it public the problem goes away. Sorry for the false alert!

Glad that it was resolved!