troydhanson / uthash

C macros for hash tables and more

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please add the file to use this library in Arduino without error

VoLinhTruc opened this issue · comments

Originally, after clone this library to Arduino library directory, I met error at the first build (as shown in the first image below)
After discovering, I see that to solve this error, is need. Blank file can also solve the error (as shown in the second image below).

So please add this file to project.



I may not understand the issue here, but this vaguely reminds me of #84 — basically you're saying "this isn't packaged quite right for my specific distribution," and then wanting to modify uthash itself (albeit very minorly) so that it'll become acceptable to your particular distribution. Contrariwise, I would like to keep a strong firewall between "the troydhanson/uthash source repo itself" and "how it's packaged by some distributor" (e.g. Homebrew, Debian, Ubuntu, etc).
I don't want this GitHub repo to get into the business of maintaining a distribution format; I want to provide just a single .h file which distro maintainers can take and package appropriately for their own distros if that's what they want to do.

Casual users of the top-of-tree "uthash.h" should probably just cp the file directly into their source directory.

Anyway, in your specific case, it sounds like you currently have a build script that does something like

git clone uthash

and you should just change your build script to do

git clone uthash
touch uthash/

instead. That should work fine, right? And more importantly to me, when that solution breaks, maybe five years from now, it'll be your problem and not mine. ;)