troybowman / dtxmsg

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DTXClient with std::string , std::vector<uint8_t>

Dantee296 opened this issue · comments

hi , do you have some time to convert this tool IDA independent
or can you help me to convert it into standalone project.

by using std::string and std::vector<uint8_t>

void append_v(std::vector<uint8_t> &out, const void *v, size_t len)
// stuck here , dont know how to convert void * to const std::vector<uint8_t>

@troybowman hi i need help in some areas , i have converted project but stuck at some places

any help guys ?

Hello, sorry for the long delay.

It seems like a standalone Instruments client would be quite popular, so I plan to fully implement one. This will be an entirely different project - separate from dtxmsg, implemented entirely in c++, and can be built and run on its own.

So essentially I plan to split this dtxmsg repo into two repos, one for the plugin (which is mostly only useful for reference), and one for the dtxmsg_client. I imagine the standalone client repo will be more useful to more people.

Expect an update soon!

@troybowman when we are expecting this update Sir.

I have created a new repo:

This app should be able to build + run on any recent OSX version, without any dependency on the IDA SDK.

Let me know if it works for you!

@troybowman works like a charm!!
Thanks Alot!
God bless you Sir!