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Ctrl+O does not open a /etc folder (one of the first steps in tutorial)

pavlo-alkhimov opened this issue · comments

When I press Ctrl+O on etc line, it says "No shell action is installed. Type ^S...".
Here is the screencast:

I have the same problem.

Sorry for being so slow in responding. Do you have a ~/xiki/ls.xiki file? If so, what are its contents?

I don't have a ls.xiki file.
$ ls
bar.xiki bookmarks commands disk.xiki _error_getting_files.xiki examples.xiki git.xiki links.xiki memorize.xiki misc notes.xiki search_for_notes.xiki sessions sessions.xiki tutorial.xiki xsh.xiki

However I have a ls.rb in commands.

Please put this in ~/xiki/ and tell me if that helps.

Same issue here. Installed on Arch Linux, using zsh. Adding that command file worked, but it's not there by default. Might consider editing the tutorial or adding that to the default set of command scripts.

Same for me. It now works. Thanks.

Installed today and had the same problem on osx using the standard terminal. Your file fixed it though, so thanks for that! Sadly google hadn't indexed this yet, so it was a bit hard to find this fix. :p

shouldn't this be committed back on the xiki master branch?

so here's something strange...

I'm pretty sure this worked originally for me. So, possibly this file got removed after the fact. Is that a clue?

Would it be worth adding something that checks for the file presence afterwards and barks if it isn't there? That might reveal whether the file is not getting copied vs. getting removed

I just tried to add ls.xiki to ~/xiki/, the only thing that changes is that it will try to edit a file with the same name of the directory like this:

schermata 2017-10-18 13 56 59

If I type "ls /" outside xsh and then it correctly opens / though, the strange behaviour happens only inside xsh. I'm using zsh and tmux + Ubuntu 17.10. Any hint?

I am having the same problem as skjorrface. I created the ls.xiki file as instructed, and when trying to open the /etc dir as in the tutorial. I get the same new file being edited.

Running Ubuntu 17.10 with bash. Having the same problem, and when i use the file your linking it simply tries to edit it.
and if i use "xsh ls/" its show alright but i cant open folders or retrieve the cd part when i quit.

Also having this problem on Arch.

I also use zsh + tmux.

Also having this problem on Antergos.
No shell action installed.
put the ls.xiki file in /.xiki
no shell action installed.

I read a tweet from the Linux Foundation about this program, and I have been glued to it ever since. There's no native package for it in SUSE repos, but I think I can fix that . I'm having the same problem these guys are having, and once I inserted the file here, ls didn't work anymore. So I'm trying to get an editor to open files with, and that isn't doing it.

Followed the directions, put ls.xiki in my ~/xiki directory. now doing an ls simply opens and prints the ls.xiki file...

Yup, same problem. Fresh default install on linux mint, add ls.xiki file as instructed, still getting the same "no action" message (following the tutorial)

confirmed on ubuntu 16.04 as well. after adding the file, it still doesn't work

Adding that file worked for me. Latest version of high sierra installed (10.13.5)