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Aten does not load force field files

sturgman opened this issue · comments

I am working with Windows 7 and version 2.1. I have reproduced this with the my own force field files and with force field files that come standard with aten. When I select a file to open, nothing happens in aten. No error message. No force field loaded.


can you share the forcefield file in question? if not public can you email it?


Hey Alin,

You can use the opls force field that comes with aten. My custom one is:

# saft-mie force field from Herdes, Totton, and Muller (Fluid Phase Equilibria) 2015
# Coarse grained force field for the molecular simulation of naturalgases and condensates

name "saft mie"
units K

1       T       C   46.07       "nbonds=1 ~C(nbonds=1)" "United atom toluene"
2   D_mid   C   42.585      "nbonds=2 ~C(nbonds=2) ~C(nbonds=1)" "United atom mid dodecane"
3   D_end   C   42.585      "nbonds=1 ~&2" "United atome end dodecane"
4   W   O   18.015      "nbonds=0"     "United atom water"

inter lj
1       T       0.0     411.87  4.266
2   D_mid   0.0 378.56  4.351
3   D_end   0.0 378.56  4.351
4   W   0.0 378.87  2.915

bonds constraint
T     T     2845    4.266
D_mid D_mid 2845    4.351
D_mid D_end 2845    4.351

angles harmonic
D_mid D_mid D_end 0.8130463 157.6

Utterly dumb mistake by me - forcefields code was trying to get filename(s) from the open grids dialog. Fixed in 2f31b0f.