tris203 / precognition.nvim

💭👀precognition.nvim - Precognition uses virtual text and gutter signs to show available motions.

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[Bug] repetition of vertical hints in virtual line

Aman9das opened this issue · comments



There is repetion of gg and G hints in the virtual line, kindly make it so vertial hints aren't shown on the virtual line.

What does it mean to move the cursor to the virtual line? It is confusing :(

I have never seen this before @Aman9das

What does your precognition config look like? can you share it, please? also what neovim version?

-- Plugin configuration
return {
    event = "LazyFile",
    opts = function(_, opts)
      opts.startVisible = true
      opts.showBlankVirtLine = false
      return opts
    keys = {
        "<cmd>Precognition toggle<cr>",
        desc = "Toggle Precognition",
❯  nvim --version 
NVIM v0.10.0
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.1693350652
Run "nvim -V1 -v" for more info

Thanks for looking into this :)

opts doesnt need to be a function

-- Plugin configuration
return {
    event = 'LazyFile', -- I don't think this is a valid Lazy Event, you probably want VeryLazy 
    opts = {
      startVisible = true,
      showBlankVirtLine = false,
    keys = {
        '<cmd>Precognition toggle<cr>',
        desc = 'Toggle Precognition',

The issue stays still? This is my config now..

-- Plugin configuration
return {
    event = "LazyFile",
    opts = {
      startVisible = true,
      showBlankVirtLine = false,
    keys = {
        "<cmd>Precognition toggle<cr>",
        desc = "Toggle Precognition",

I have tried with your config exactly, and I cant reproduce the duplicate hints

It has to be something else within LazyVim conflicting I think

Thanks I'll look into it :)

LazyFile loads only on filetype bufferz not dashboard etc