tris203 / precognition.nvim

💭👀precognition.nvim - Precognition uses virtual text and gutter signs to show available motions.

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How to only show gutterHints and hide hints?

jonahfang opened this issue · comments

I think the hints (^ $ e w) is not very usable, how not show it?

I am on mobile so can't easily give an example

But within the config, set the hints you don't want to nil


return {
    config = {
    -- startVisible = true,
     hints = {
         ["^"] = nil,
         ["$"] = nil,
         ["w"] = nil,
         ["b"] = nil,
         ["e"] = nil,
    -- gutterHints = {
    --     --prio is not currentlt used for gutter hints
    --     ["G"] = { text = "G", prio = 1 },
    --     ["gg"] = { text = "gg", prio = 1 },
    --     ["{"] = { text = "{", prio = 1 },
    --     ["}"] = { text = "}", prio = 1 },
    -- },

However, thinking it through

I think at present that would still show the virtual line. But empty

This can now be done by setting all the prio keys to 0
and setting showBlankVirtLine to false

Details are in the README