tris203 / precognition.nvim

💭👀precognition.nvim - Precognition uses virtual text and gutter signs to show available motions.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Failed to place sign

oschrenk opened this issue · comments

Trying out the plugin - great idea!

As an example file I use

return {
  lazy = false,
  config = {
    startVisible = true,
    -- hints = {
    --     ["^"] = { text = "^", prio = 1 },
    --     ["$"] = { text = "$", prio = 1 },
    --     ["w"] = { text = "w", prio = 10 },
    --     ["b"] = { text = "b", prio = 10 },
    --     ["e"] = { text = "e", prio = 10 },
    -- },
    -- gutterHints = {
    --     --prio is not currentlt used for gutter hints
    --     ["G"] = { text = "G", prio = 1 },
    --     ["gg"] = { text = "gg", prio = 1 },
    --     ["{"] = { text = "{", prio = 1 },
    --     ["}"] = { text = "}", prio = 1 },
    -- },

On startup I often see

Failed to place sign: G
Failed to place sign: G

After some timeout that gets replaced with

Failed to place sign: {
Failed to place sign: }

How I can I help debug this? And maybe as a future feature - how would I suppress these errors?

Thanks for your report @oschrenk

I have pushed a new branch with an open PR. I will continue to fix a few bugs in this branch and then will merge it shortly.

If you wanted to test with that branch and give feedback that would be awesome!

Thank you. The branch does indeed seem to help. I don't see any error messages pop up anymore!