triaton / space-invaders

cocos2d-x Space Invaders game

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Space Invaders game focussed on Design Pattern

cocos2d-x is a multi-platfrom framework building 2d games.

This project is focussed on Game Design Pattern.

It uses following concepts.

  • SOLID principle
  • Object Pool
  • Factory

See video here. Screen Shot

Starting guide

Building Envirionment

Windows installation

download and install following.

cocos2d-x 4.0(

python 2.7(


visual studio 2017

cd path/to/cocos2d-x

Running the code

If you are new to cocos2d-x I recommend following this article for the first time.

cocos new -l cpp -d /path/to/project/dir SpaceInvaders
git clone SpaceInvaders_temp

Copy all files and directories in SpaceInvaders_temp to SpaceInvaders.
(If you want to continue with my git history, be sure to copy hidden .git directory as well.)
Run the following in the command prompt.

cd SpaceInvaders
cocos run . -p win32

The above building process may vary depending on platforms.
cocos --help for more details.


cocos2d-x Space Invaders game


Language:C++ 86.5%Language:CMake 13.5%