treyhay31 / Fun-Times

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


DollarWords is a small project that assigns a numerical value to each character in the alphabet (a = 1, b = 2, ... z = 26).

The project checks for words whose value is 100 when summing its characters and prints them to the screen.

Sharp, for instance has a value of 62.

(s + h + a + r + p) => (19 + 8 + 1 + 18 + 16) = 62

Getting Started

You can find a sample word file here:

The project expects that the word file is located in C:\testing\words\words.txt

Clone the project:

$ git clone


Restore the nuget packages:

$ nuget restore ".\DollarWords.sln"

Open solution.

$ open ".\DollarWords.sln"

Build & Run!

Running the unit tests

Run the tests in Visual Studio or enter:

.\packages\xunit.runner.console.2.1.0\tools\xunit.console.exe .\DollarWords.Tests\bin\Debug\DollarWords.Tests.dll

Tests ensure that:

  • Numbers return a value of zero
public void When_calculating_sum_on_numbers_IT_SHOULD_return_zero(string testData)
    var sut = new WordCalculatorService();

    var sum = sut.CalculateWordSum(testData);

  • Punctuation returns a value of zero
public void When_calculating_sum_on_punctuation_IT_SHOULD_return_zero(string testData)
    var sut = new WordCalculatorService();

    var sum = sut.CalculateWordSum(testData);

  • Alphabetic characters return their index value
[InlineData("a", 1)]
[InlineData("b", 2)]
[InlineData("z", 26)]
public void WHEN_calculating_words_IT_SHOULD_return_expected_value_where_A_is_1_and_Z_is_26(string testWord, int expectedValue)
    var sut = new WordCalculatorService();

    var sum = sut.CalculateWordSum(testWord);




Language:C# 100.0%