trevorlinton / webkit.js

Pure JavaScript Port of WebKit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ninja: error: '../deps/curl/lib/amigaos.c', missing

Macil opened this issue · comments

I'm on OS X 10.10, and I'm trying to build webkit.js by following the instructions in the readme. I've run and which both appeared to be successful. (I can use emscripten now.) But fails:

$ ./ 
building webkit.js (release)
ninja: Entering directory `Release'
ninja: error: '../deps/curl/lib/amigaos.c', needed by 'obj/deps/curl/lib/curl.amigaos.o', missing and no known rule to make it

It looks like the deps/curl directory and a few other directories under deps are empty.

Is the deps/curl directory supposed to be a git submodule? git ls-files --stage | grep 160000 implies it is, but git submodule update --init fails because there's no .gitmodules file.

I noticed the ".gclient_entries" file has a mapping of directories to git repos. I assume one of the scripts were supposed to read this and automatically do something with it but failed to. I manually cloned the repos to the given directories and it got me past this error at least.


Try command:
gclient sync

You need to clone depot_tools:

mkdir install-tools
cd install-tools
git clone
export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:"$PATH"
which ninja # .../webkit.js/install-tools/depot_tools/ninja
cd ..