trekhleb / homemade-machine-learning

🤖 Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained

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theta[0] is caculated twice in per gradient_step at LinearRegression

alqbib opened this issue · comments

Vectorized version of gradient descent.

theta = theta * reg_param - alpha * (1 / num_examples) * (delta.T @

We should NOT regularize the parameter theta_zero.

theta[0] = theta[0] - alpha * (1 / num_examples) * ([:, 0].T @ delta).T

the first code line ,theta include theta[0].
so I think can write like this:
theta[0] -= alpha * (1 / num_examples) * ([:, 0].T @ delta)
theta[1:] = theta[1:] * reg_param - alpha * (1 / num_examples) * ([:, 1:].T @ delta)
