trehn / termdown

Countdown timer and stopwatch in your terminal

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Feature Request: add a --plain, --inline or --script option

Markus-N opened this issue · comments

I'd like to include termdown in shell scripts. My scripts often print some info about what they are doing or will do next.
Currently, termdown hides all output, even with the --no-figlet option. The new option should print the countdown just as one-liner on the current line, overwriting itself with every tick. A bit like --no-figlet, but without clearing the screen and centering the output.

Maybe, an additional --no-total option would also help for scripts, but that's less important.

If such option already exists, add it to the output of --help :-)

I just found uair that does this by default, though it's by no means a clone.