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README: Use a fancier layout

mubashir-rehman opened this issue · comments

The current readme design is simple and beautiful but screenshot section just sucks as far as i think because screenshots don't look pleasing to my eyes under current design.
Also, I like the fancy stuff on this repo
Even though the columns there also suck but emojis make it look good.
I will find under related already created issues and mention here for reference and easy closing.
Let's say Tuesday is for learning markdown for me and make a PR before midnight.
Lmao, at least I will be contributor one project on github.

I gave a second look and readme current looks amazing on a widescreen.
Following are the related issues, though:
#113 , #159 , last comments on #91 (already done).

Thanks for reminding me of #91.

I gave a second look and readme current looks amazing on a widescreen.

Does that mean you've changed your mind now?

The example you suggested seems a bit messy btw :)

@velitasali I know the example seems messy but I likes the use of columns as cards like for contribution part.
I would like something as current but a bit more colorful. Let's see how it turns out.