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Permission changed for API startLocalOnlyHotspot but is neither declared nor checked

DSOTM-pf opened this issue · comments

Hi, there, I've found an issue in version 1.4.2, which is downloaded from F-Droid.

Describe the bug

I found the usage of startLocalOnlyHotspot may cause compatibility bugs. It is related to the call chain:


This API needs ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission at API-level 28 and below, but is changed to ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION in 29. The app only uses coarse location in the manifest.

In API 28

In API 29

It can be fixed by adding fine location to the manifest, and request for the fine location at somewhere in the program (maybe before calling that API, and also check SDK_INT>28).

I found only the coarse location permission is there when I start a hotspot (through ADB).

Can you help me review this issue? @velitasali
Thanks !!!

Thanks for the thorough description.

The changes you are suggesting are already there in the latest revision.

<uses-permission-sdk-23 android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) != PERMISSION_GRANTED) {

permissionsResultLauncher.launch(arrayOf(ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION))

Thanks for the thorough description.

The changes you are suggesting are already there in the latest revision.

<uses-permission-sdk-23 android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) != PERMISSION_GRANTED) {

permissionsResultLauncher.launch(arrayOf(ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION))

Awesome! Very thanks!