trebleshot / android

An open-source app that allows you to transfer files one to one securely or using a browser, all without the internet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can we upload this clone app to playstore

Nikhil27b opened this issue · comments

So we can clone and use this app and upload to playstore without credits because someone clone this app and uploaded on playstore without any credits
App link

Nope. Don't be fooled by that. This project has the GPL 2.0 license. So you have to follow all the legal terms & conditions of it.
This is open source project but it has its regulations.
If you are cloning this project, then you must give the credits to its original developers within your app or within the playstore app description as well as, You have to give free access to your modified code to all developers.
If you don't do above things, then legal actions can be taken on your app.
You can check more details about the GPL 2.0 license on main page or just google it.

So why this user clone and upload app to playstore with credits and license

@velitasali did you sell Trebleshot?
Somebody might be profiting from your work, I read the app and reviews they are claiming "Dodo Drop - Secure File Transfer (Made in India)"

Screenshot_20200804-195457_Google Play Store
How this app is trending 4 in india and still made a money from that @velitasali

The spike is caused by media outlets in India praising the app made by a 17 years old boy. Its riding the feud between China apps and India apps.
With the "Made in India" slogan it has caught the patriotism of the country and probably does not care if its somebody's hard earned work.

Take a closes look at this link may be some one has already made a number of sales at codecanyon already.

I saw this app too. I can't believe someone just entirely copied TrebleShot and uploaded it to the play store.

This question already has an answer in the license file. Please refer to it for this kind of question.