travisghansen / argo-cd-helmfile

Integration between argo-cd and helmfile

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kubectl rollout restart interrupted ?

kfirfer opened this issue · comments



This is only an estimation, but I guess argocd with selfheal turned on, is interrupting manual rollout restart

when I trying to rollout the deployment, the newly created pods gets terminating after 20-40 seconds

when I do the same thing on deployment that doesnt managed by argo, I dont get the interruption

Don’t know if it’s the plugin, argo itself, or completely other think

Seems likely unrelated. argocd simply invokes kubectl apply behind the scenes.


hi @travisghansen

when we issue :

kubectl rollout restart deploy agent

What he does under the hood is adding annotation name:

I guess what he does is:
When I dont use helmfile plugin, argocd selfheal have mechanism to ignore this annotation when he trying to auto-sync git repository by selfheal

But in the plugin , argocd doesn't go through git and matching the annotations, he just apply everything he got templated from helmfile plugin

Screenshot 2022-12-17 at 16 42 59


Im still investigate it, mabye im wrong
But its seems like the plugin doesnt wait for the rollout to finish

mabye its argocd itself that does that


@travisghansen My mistake
its doesnt related to the plugin at all

argocd doesnt know to handle empty annotations while rollout
hence, its chart problem