traverse1984 / oxide.ts

Rust's Option<T> and Result<T, E>, implemented for TypeScript.

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Webpack chokes on version 1.0.0

najamelan opened this issue · comments

I'm using oxide.ts in a project that I try to test with cypress. Cypress uses webpack. When switching from oxide.ts 0.9.12 to 1.0.0, my application runs fine in the vite dev server, but when testing with cypress I get the following error when I try to import a module from my app in the cypress integration test:

Error: Webpack Compilation Error
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'oxide.ts' in '<path>/cypress2/src/store'
resolve 'oxide.ts' in '<path>/cypress2/src/store'
  Parsed request is a module
  using description file: <path>/cypress2/package.json (relative path: ./src/store)
    Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
    Looked for and couldn't find the file at the following paths:
 @ ./src/store/auth.ts 1:0-38 42:24-28 42:31-35
 @ ./cypress/integration/0-test-cypress/todo.spec.js
 @ multi ./cypress/integration/0-test-cypress/todo.spec.js

Seems like it can't find the entry point for the lib. So I had a quick look at the package.json and the difference seems to be the switch from "main" to "exports". And effectively when I add the "main", even leaving exports in place the issue get's resolved.

Not sure where the blame lies for this one, whether it's a problem with package.json or with webpack. If you need a MRE, let me know.

Hmm, I'm getting lost a bit in the cypress repository, but it might be that they use webpack 4, which does not support exports.

Yes, I think that's the problem actually. Looking through my other dependencies, everything seems to have a main key in package.json, even when they also supply exports.

Maybe it's worth keeping main around for now, for compatibility.

Thanks for raising this, I'll take a look soon.

I have pushed/published a new release which addresses this and makes a couple of other planned changes. You should be able to install under the same tag as before.

Does this release also fix the problem you are having? I'd initially thought that main/exports were mutually exclusive but it seems that exports just overrides main - I'm not sure how this will play ball with webpack 4.


Yes! this solves the issue. As I said, other packages I checked just seem to have them side by side as well. Now im trying to make the webpack 4 in cypress accept nullish operator...sigh...

Thanks for the quick fix ;)

ps: actually, let's hope this saves my day: