tranek / GASDocumentation

My understanding of Unreal Engine 5's GameplayAbilitySystem plugin with a simple multiplayer sample project.

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Client Crashes on Editor Closing when using GE with Duration at 0 Stacks

RicardoZeballos opened this issue · comments

If you change GE_PassiveArmor to have duration(ex 3.0) and the Stack Expiration Policy to either Remove 1 stack or clear all stacks and then run the game with 2 players 1 server and 1 client. Then use the ability on the client wait until the stack count is 0, closing the editor will crash it. Giving you a thread a DelegateAccessHandlerBase for AsyncTaskEffectStackChanged::EndTask
This crash occurs when the stack count is 0 for both Stack Expiration Policies.

I am unsure what is causing this at first I thought it was some data that was being passed into the task, but we only pass the ASC and Tag. Not to mention it does not crash when its the server by itself.