trailsjs / doc

:books: Trails.js Documentation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Publish to NPM

wbprice opened this issue · comments

I want to be able to publish these docs to NPM so I can build out the documentation section on trailsjs/ and have it mirror these docs.

You can simply clone the repo and build the doc right ? Like smokesignals repo do with the tests. Because for now there only this repo but later all trailpacks will embed it's own documentation so deploy this doc on npm will not help for building the doc later. What do you think ?

My goal is to have the docs section on update itself automatically with the latest documentation from these (and other) markdown files whenever we redeploy the site. If we at least add package.json to this repo, can grab updates when we deploy.

Hum I see, that's mean that this repo need to retrieve all markdown from trailpack and build file structure of the doc before publishing on npm.
TravisCI is disabled on this repo. Only @tjwebb can configure it in order to publish the repo on npm.

:) I agree, my next update of docs will be soon.
@jaumard can you check routing concept in my forked repo ?