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File format for Windows 10/Ubuntu algo config.cfg

NetAdmin501 opened this issue · comments

I've tried to run ./algo and I get this error in a Windows 10 console window:

ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
did not find expected

The error appears to be in '/home/netadmin/algo/config.cfg': line 23, column 1, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

Deploy StrongSwan to enable IPsec support

ipsec_enabled: true
^ here

I've run nano file editor to edit config.cfg, made the user adds, saved the file and get this error. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to download and install StrongSwan?

Perhaps you've made some other error editing config.cfg. The YAML language can be very picky. If you downloaded Algo using git clone post the output of git diff. Place the output between sets of triple backtics (```) to preserve the formatting.