trailofbits / ManticoreUI

The Manticore User Interface with plugins for Binary Ninja and Ghidra

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[Ghidra] MUI Setup Component requires layout overhaul

kokrui opened this issue · comments

As of the change that introduces the Hook List component as part of the MUI Setup component, on a fresh install of the plugin the component looks like this:


The current layout is patched together by a series of borderlayouts and gridbaglayouts. We should overhaul this so that it's more easily maintainable and the component is more appropriately laid out and sized

For future reference, the offending code is in /plugins/ghidra/MUI/src/main/java/mui/

Specifically, the mainPanel contains a formPanel (which contains the options specified in common_resources and bottomPanel (which itself contains the Extra Manticore Args, Run button, and Hook List).

The bottomPanel needs a bit of reworking and could probably be changed into a GridBagLayout.