trailofbits / ManticoreUI

The Manticore User Interface with plugins for Binary Ninja and Ghidra

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Natalie and Evelyn can Start and Terminate symbolic execution with a MUICore backend

kokrui opened this issue · comments

A minimal implementation such that the Binja plugin can interact with a running MUICore binary on localhost and a hardcoded port, and Start/Terminate a single instance of Manticore.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The plugin should include generated protobuf/grpc code based off the proto spec in the MUI-Ghidra repo on build
  • The plugin should include a MUICore binary on build
  • The plugin should call the StartNative rpc when attempting to start Manticore execution on a native binary
  • The plugin should call the StartEVM rpc when attempting to start Manticore execution on a smart contract
  • The plugin should call the Terminate rpc when attempting to stop Manticore execution