trailofbits / ManticoreUI

The Manticore User Interface with plugins for Binary Ninja and Ghidra

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Improve logging of Manticore Run state

lordidiot opened this issue · comments

Currently when we use the Solve with manticore functionality, manticore will start and the background process indicator will show in the bottom right corner, but this is not very obvious when looking at the logs. Similarly, when manticore exits without hitting any find/avoids, it will just quietly stop the worker threads with not much information to the user.

I think it would be beneficial to add the following logging messages:

  1. Start of manticore solve
  2. End of manticore solve
    • After hitting a find
    • WITHOUT hitting a find

I think timestamps could be useful as well (so that we can track how long manticore has been running), but I'm not sure if we want that.

I think timestamps could be useful as well (so that we can track how long manticore has been running), but I'm not sure if we want that.

Timestamps sound like a good idea to me!

closed in #41