traefik / structor

[Messor Structor 🐜] Manage multiple versions of a Mkdocs documentation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Incompatible with custom_fences

KevinRoebert opened this issue · comments


Hello, we would like to set a markdown_extensions.pymdownx.superfences.custom_fences for our MkDocs, but unfortunately, it is not applied correctly. In our example, the mermaid environments are not rendered correctly anymore.

The corresponding setting can be found here:

You can simply reproduce this behavior with these steps:

  1. git clone
  2. cd drasyl/docs
structor --owner="drasyl-overlay" --repo-name="drasyl" \
            --rqts-url="" \
            --dockerfile-url="" \
            --menu.js-url="" \
            --exp-branch=master --force-edit-url --debug
  1. Start a server e.g. http-server
  2. Visit page:
  3. Diagrams not rendered

If you try the same with mkdocs build or mkdocs serve the diagrams are rendered.


Have you tried to build your doc through your Docker image?



Have you tried to build your doc through your Docker image?

Sure, you could use the Makefile as a shortcut inside the docs folder. It is using the docs.Dockerfile.

If you run make docs or make docs-serve the diagrams are rendered correctly. The structure of the documentation is pretty much the same as it is in the traefik/traefik repo.

it's related to the !!python syntax, the YAML parser that we use is not able to read those elements.

Could you try something like that:

format: '!!python/name:pymdownx.superfences.fence_div_format'

Could you try something like that:

format: '!!python/name:pymdownx.superfences.fence_div_format'

Doesn't work. The marks breaks also the normal build with mkdocs.

I'm not a specialist of YAML syntax but !! seems related to tag syntax, I don't know how this works.


Ok. I've replaced the custom_fence with div tags. As readthedocs/ and facelessuser/pymdown-extensions#892 states, there is no real workaround if the YAML parser does not support !!python object creation.

I found a workaround for the parser, I need to do some tests, but it's 3 am for me, so I will do that tomorrow.

I created a fix 2623be0

Fixed in v1.11.1


It works. Thanks a lot 👍


@ldez You have made a small mistake with the assets for version 1.11.1. There the checksums.txt must not contain a v for the version, otherwise your cannot download the file anymore.

$ curl -sfL | sudo bash -s -- -d -b $GOPATH/bin v1.11.1
traefik/structor info checking GitHub for tag 'v1.11.1'
traefik/structor debug http_download
traefik/structor info found version: 1.11.1 for v1.11.1/linux/amd64
traefik/structor debug downloading files into /tmp/tmp.SssnTW5Zrq
traefik/structor debug http_download
traefik/structor debug http_download
traefik/structor debug http_download_curl received HTTP status 404

oops, I will fix that