traefik / structor

[Messor Structor 🐜] Manage multiple versions of a Mkdocs documentation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Final site directory not found

Xumeiquer opened this issue · comments

I am building my docs site with structor and I am getting some errors that I don't know how to solve. The following is the travis output as you will see structor is unable to find the final site folder that needs to be pushed to gh-pages.

Download documentation generator
containous/structor info checking GitHub for tag 'v1.10.0'
containous/structor info found version: 1.10.0 for v1.10.0/linux/amd64
containous/structor info installed /home/travis/gopath/bin/structor
Build documentation
2020/05/16 10:18:46 Run Structor command with config : &{Owner:mole-ids RepositoryName:mole Debug:true DockerfileURL: DockerfileName:docs.Dockerfile ExperimentalBranchName:master ExcludedBranches:[] DockerImageName:doc-site Menu:0xc000076a80 RequirementsURL: NoCache:false ForceEditionURI:true}
2020/05/16 10:18:46 Temp directory: /tmp/structor022875596
2020/05/16 10:18:46 Latest tag: v0.0.0
2020/05/16 10:18:46 git branch --remotes --list origin\/v*
2020/05/16 10:18:46 Generating doc for version master
2020/05/16 10:18:46 git worktree add /tmp/structor022875596/master origin/master
2020/05/16 10:18:47 Found mkdocs.yml for building documentation in /tmp/structor022875596/master/docs.
2020/05/16 10:18:47 Using docs_dir from manifest: /tmp/structor022875596/master/docs/content
2020/05/16 10:18:47 Found Dockerfile for building documentation in /tmp/structor022875596/master/docs/docs.Dockerfile.
2020/05/16 10:18:47 docker build --no-cache=false -t doc-site:master -f /tmp/structor022875596/master/docs/docs.Dockerfile /tmp/structor022875596/master/docs/
2020/05/16 10:19:23 docker run --rm -v /tmp/structor022875596/master/docs:/mkdocs doc-site:master mkdocs build
2020/05/16 10:19:25 Found mkdocs.yml for building documentation in /tmp/structor022875596/master/docs.
2020/05/16 10:19:25 Generating doc for version v0.0
2020/05/16 10:19:25 git worktree add /tmp/structor022875596/v0.0 origin/v0.0
2020/05/16 10:19:25 Found mkdocs.yml for building documentation in /tmp/structor022875596/v0.0/docs.
2020/05/16 10:19:25 Using docs_dir from manifest: /tmp/structor022875596/v0.0/docs/content
2020/05/16 10:19:25 Found Dockerfile for building documentation in /tmp/structor022875596/v0.0/docs/docs.Dockerfile.
2020/05/16 10:19:25 docker build --no-cache=false -t doc-site:v0.0 -f /tmp/structor022875596/v0.0/docs/docs.Dockerfile /tmp/structor022875596/v0.0/docs/
2020/05/16 10:19:25 docker run --rm -v /tmp/structor022875596/v0.0/docs:/mkdocs doc-site:v0.0 mkdocs build
2020/05/16 10:19:26 Found mkdocs.yml for building documentation in /tmp/structor022875596/v0.0/docs.
2020/05/16 10:19:27 git worktree prune
2020/05/16 10:19:27 [WARN] error during cleaning:  unlinkat /tmp/structor022875596/v0.0/docs/site/sitemap.xml: permission denied
1.34s$ rvm $(travis_internal_ruby) --fuzzy do ruby -S gem install dpl
Successfully installed dpl-1.10.15
1 gem installed
Installing deploy dependencies
Successfully installed multipart-post-2.1.1
Successfully installed faraday-0.15.4
Successfully installed public_suffix-3.0.3
Successfully installed addressable-2.7.0
Successfully installed sawyer-0.8.2
Successfully installed octokit-4.6.2
Successfully installed dpl-pages-1.10.15
7 gems installed
Logged in as @Xumeiquer (Jaume Martin)
Preparing deploy
Cleaning up git repository with `git stash --all`. If you need build artifacts for deployment, set `deploy.skip_cleanup: true`. See
Saved working directory and index state WIP on (no branch): 288c8eb Update travis.yml
cd /tmp/d20200516-31989-a5py8t/work
Deploying application
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/d20200516-31989-a5py8t/work/.git/
Switched to a new branch 'gh-pages'
cd -
cd /tmp/d20200516-31989-a5py8t/work
rsync: change_dir "/home/travis/gopath/src/" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1183) [sender=3.1.1]
Already up to date!
HEAD detached at 288c8eb
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
Dropped refs/stash@{0} (58ef47d1cccdec10f4121336d29525c42b3347fd)
Could not copy /home/travis/gopath/src/
failed to deploy


you have to set skip_cleanup: true or cleanup: false.

Also you have to limit the before_deploy to one execution:

Note that before_deploy and after_deploy are run before and after every deploy provider, so they will run multiple times, if there are multiple providers.


The cleanup is setup as you can see here

On the other hand, I also limit the before_deploy as you mention in this line which actually executes the following script.

The weird thing is that I could deploy once but never again. I also removed the gh-pages just in case with no luck.

cleanup is a dpl v2 option, and you are using dpl v1 so you have to use skip_cleanup: true instead.

That works! Thank you.